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  1. D

    Your Greatest Weapon - Indifference

    Man, Im really glad to see this post up here. I currently have that constant anxious , pit in my stomach feeling because I lost the girl. I went from having her calling and texting everyday and saying Im the most important person in her life all the way to her not contacting me anymore at all...
  2. D

    Other guy won by smothering her?

    Hi all, I posted recently about a long distance girl who lost interest in me. Although I now see that there is nothing I can do, the whole process brought up some issues that Id like to get opinions on. Basically, I started to lose this girl once she could tell that I liked her. Thats...
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    Finding myself again

    Thank you all for the help. This isnt going to be easy especially because I likely wont have another shot at a girl like her for more reasons than I can get into in a single posting. Its sad but true that as long as you dont really have strong feelings for a girl, they will pursue you and treat...
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    Finding myself again

    Thank you for the replies. It really helps a lot to hear other peoples take on it from past experience
  5. D

    Finding myself again

    Hi All, I'll try and be brief. Met a girl a year ago while traveling. Hung out for few days, fun times etc. Left town. She called me week later and we began sporadic phone convos over few months. Flirty but nothing serious. I ended up back in her town again few months later. We spent...