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    All That Is Alpha - Tip Compilation (Ongoing)

    Muscleman, thanks for posting these! I've bookmarked this thread and will be keeping a close eye on it. I wanted to ask you an honest question, I guess as a way to reinforce my beliefs that the path I'm taking is the right one. How much could be gained if we adhere to the principles of Game +...
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    HB9 coming back in Dec. for Semester Break... should I meet her?

    (lost my accout info for Insouciant - Posting under Argyle) So the worst case scenario basically happened with this chick. Definitely learned from it. But I acted like a total AFC. It didn't help that I was drunk and couldn't control myself when me and her met for an hour or so. It's crazy...
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    Girlfriend having a male friend stay the weekend?

    Updates? How did the whole fiasco end?
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    Girl asks me to "take her mind away from everything" for upcoming date...

    Yeaaa... when she first asked me to take her out on an adventure, I actually didn't get any negative vibes from it at all. I took it as a compliment that she would consider me the type to take her on a wild ride. And she knows I'm not the type to splurge on women unless they're my GF. So...
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    Girl asks me to "take her mind away from everything" for upcoming date...

    Thanks for the input, guys. I actually never considered it as a ploy to WK. But now that I'm aware, definitely will play it accordingly now. This is why I love bringing up these kind of questions at these forums. To be fair, we didn't talk about doing any of the extreme things like that. I...
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    Girl asks me to "take her mind away from everything" for upcoming date...

    Hello everyone, I have an upcoming date within the next few weeks. This girl has mentioned that during our date, she just "wants to get away from it all", and to "whisk her away". She says that the first thing that pops in her head when she thinks of me is "exciting". I'm known to be an...
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    LTR sudden ending

    delete... wrong thread!
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    Girl hints at branch swinging to me... I act like an a$$hole?

    Girl sends me a text while hanging out with her ex (she's single right now; but obvious they still have feelings for each other)... Says the past few days that they've hung out have been horrible. That she's bored. He's rude, selfish, etc. She can't stand him anymore. My natural DJ reaction...
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    If you were never exclusive with a girl...

    Thanks BeginningDJ. I definitely do not plan on making her a priority... but I am curious about what intimacy is like when I get closer to her a few months from now. Just wanted this forum's input, on whether or not I lost value in her eyes due to the circumstances.
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    If you were never exclusive with a girl...

    Logistical issues. Distance was a factor. Since in this case I would not consider it cheating, does this mean that I can still consider this girl as a prospect, should she prove herself to me / convince me? Will responding to her future advances once we are physically together DLV, due to the...
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    If you were never exclusive with a girl...

    If you were never in a monogamous relationship with a girl, but you two stated that you liked each other... should you feel butthurt that she's having sex with other dudes?
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    Too much A$$hole, Too little beta?

    I know the discussions on these boards tend to veer towards DJ's that have moments of AFC'ness... but what about the opposite extreme? What if, during your interactions with the girl, you get so insecure about your dynamic with her that you get too defensive. To the point that she feels that...
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    LJBF'ed... because of Neediness / Jealousy issues

    You're right. But worth a shot though, no? If I'm out there gaming and focusing on other things, why does it hurt if I want to keep a former one-itis on the backburner?
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    LJBF'ed... because of Neediness / Jealousy issues

    Definitely plan on dealing with these issues... as even they (jealousy and neediness) caught me by surprise. I think a lot of it had to do with the fact that we were only communicating via Skype, email and Facebook. There was no way for me to connect with her intimately on an intimate level...
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    LJBF'ed... because of Neediness / Jealousy issues

    Great! Thanks, GADavid. This really made my day. I'm in the process of moving on now. We're still "BFF's"... but I've decided to start distancing myself from her (I.E. don't contact her unless she contacts me). Just got back from meeting some great people tonight. I think that's the first...
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    LJBF'ed... because of Neediness / Jealousy issues

    Gotcha. Have every intention to doing that. Have plans on improving every aspect of my life. Just wanted to know if this was recoverable. And if so, i am sure it would have to be because i no longer show any form of neediness.
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    LJBF'ed... because of Neediness / Jealousy issues

    She's studying abroad until this winter time, when she returns from school. I figured, the best possible road I can take would be to go no contact (and only let her initiate) for the next month or so... and then reinitiate contact after that timeframe. It would sort of give things a fresh...
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    LJBF'ed... because of Neediness / Jealousy issues

    I know, I know... according to the rules of the game, if a woman LJBF's you, you should walk away like a man. I know that there are some escape-LJBF mechanisms in place... like turning on alpha game, scarcity, push-pull, and escalating. But I believe these are best used on LJBF's where she...