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  1. T

    She is close friends with her ex

    Bro, your situation sounds pretty much identical to mine. What hithard said is pretty spot on. You have a few options.. You can give her an ultimatum and hope it works out. Alternatively, if she has told you that she wants to be with you and she is friends and nothing else with the ex you can...
  2. T

    Dealing with Girlfriends ex-boyfriend

    Cheers for the advice fellas. I haven't brought it up again/broached the subject again, either has she. So far I have no reason not to trust her and in reality I have zero control over what happens between them, same goes with how he feels about her even after 18 months..... I can only control...
  3. T

    Dealing with Girlfriends ex-boyfriend

    Ok ill try keep this short. Background: Both 20, in college. Together ~5 months. She broke up with boyfriend 18months ago. We have been dating for 5 months, we were seeing eachother for a long time before this but never made it official. Its all been great. But recently she told me her...