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  1. K

    Not so great on my text game

    Little backstory: So the other night I met this chick around my age at a bar. We exchanged numbers, and I went home. The next day (yesterday) she started texting me asking what's up, and after I told her I was at work she mentioned she would "like to do something together sometime". I told her...
  2. K

    **** has been going on for too long... My ex girlfriend

    She knows EXACTLY where to place you. Right in the FRIENDZONE. You will never have anything more with this woman than you have right now. You don't want to hear it, but you should follow the advice that everyone is giving you. Forget about her completely, and move on.
  3. K

    Don't know what I'm doing

    Hello all. So I started working in a bar about a month ago, and on the weekends this one chick usually comes in and has a drink and leaves. A few weeks ago she was really into me but I didn't really get to talk to her much do to work. The next week she came in and I got off work early so we had...