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  1. J

    Approaching women in clubs...

    Where to begin? I literally craaaaap myself trying to approach women..although ive been out with some very good looking birds. once i get talking etc to them im fine...but that first movement i just cannot do atall. Tips?
  2. J

    First Date Tips...

    Christ...never needed to ask this before. Split up with my ex about 4weeks a date on Thursday and im actually nervous...even though i never get nervous really. Were off for a meal to pizza express which wouldnt be my ideal first date anyway as i find meals are quite awkward...
  3. J

    New...Where to Start?

    Hi guys. Im 22 from the UK. Not a bad looking guy at all, had some nice gf's and in fairly good shape. Personal Trainer by trade. However...been completely honest im awful at approaching women....i just dont dare and dont know what to do. Where shall i begin? If the girl...