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  1. D


    While this is a good tip, lucid dreaming does not come easy for most. And even when one actually does recogize he's is dreaming, having that control over your environment and remembering that one's dreaming isn't easy. For some, just the act of becoming lucid could take mad practice. And if you...
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    Society and Sexual Distortion

    Comment on the whole urban life theory. I'm from a heavily populated city area and I, along with the majority of males brought up in my time, were raised by women in fatherless homes. So I can see where one may get the idea of mothers "unwittingly banishing" their sons "to the lowest levels of...
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    A quiet DJ

    Being quiet is okay. You can be successful with women and be quiet at the same time. However, you must realize that being quiet often raises the interest of women. And this is where most quiet dudes lose, because, sorry to say, most quiet guys end up being boring. So if you feel you're quiet...
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    feeling left out because I'm so different....

    I know exactly what you mean, as I'm kind of in a similar situation. If you plan on gutting it out and staying there for a while, you really have no choice but trying to find what you have in common with others around you. Thats what I try to do. I try to adapt the best way I can, without...
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    New hobby with potential.. sort of...

    Reminds me of the movie One Hour Photo. "Its Sy the photo guy!"
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    I think it's harder to be a DJ if your black.

    Will the non-blacks please stop trying write from a black person's P.O.V. It's not working. It seems like you’re getting your theories from what you see in the media. The media does an overall poor job trying to portray black people. It comes down to what someone stated earlier in the post, what...
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    Essence of Alpha

    That was fun to read. Your post kinda shares the whole FIGHT CLUB premise. Just... without the haymakers.