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  1. M

    DJ Boot Camp - Week #2

    ok, clear, nobody's reading this sh1t...
  2. M

    DJ Boot Camp - Week #2

    Week #2 Day #1 Bump (btw, am I supposed to answer threads in the archive) Alright, week one went fine and today started week #2 :): Around 7:30PM I grabbed my bike to cycle around a little to check if there were some chicks on the street. It was dark already, so there was almost nobody on...
  3. M

    Boosting testosterone naturally

    I'm not (yet) interested in using ZMA, but just for interest, is it available in europe? And about those "other pills", could you give me the name?
  4. M

    Boosting testosterone naturally

    jive, thanks for that URL. Indeed, it makes it easy. About those monounsaturated fats, that's also what the book recommends. They also recommend polyunsaturated fats like omega-3 and omega-6 fats.
  5. M

    Boosting testosterone naturally

    BUMP Bump. I've finally read the book (Testosterone Advantage Plan), but how do you use these advices in real life. I mean, great that I now know how many grams of protein I should eat, but how can you use this in real life? Like when you eat an egg, how many grams of protein is that? So I...
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    Boosting testosterone naturally

    KmZDon, I don't know if you gotta be 18 to use ZMA, but I do know that for many people ZMA doesn't have effect. ZMA does have effects when you have a zink/magnesium defisioncy, but most people don't have that. Try to work on your nutrition.
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    Boosting testosterone naturally

    I notice that since I'm sleeping better, my testosterone has increased. So that's probably also a point of attention for guys who are low on testosterone.
  8. M

    Boosting testosterone naturally

    The Romans did indeed eat animal's d1cks to boost testosterone levels. They said that it improved their libido and it gave them much energy, so Trial Error, probably it does.
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    Boosting testosterone naturally

    Hey Matt, Have you noticed differences already since you started reading the book? MC
  10. M

    Boosting testosterone naturally

    payaya there are a lot of things that can cause low testosterone: smoking, alcohol, taking drugs are some of them, but also sleeping badly. Also throughout the years your testosterone levels will decrease. I don't know about the supplements, but I do know that if you'd take testosterone...
  11. M

    Boosting testosterone naturally

    ow, sorry, I didn't see your post, Matt. Everyone who comes to this site has different problems, you said you're problem was desperation. I think my problem is the testosterone: I don't have much beardgrow (I could go a week without shaving), no breasthair and some other things that indicate...
  12. M

    Boosting testosterone naturally

    Hey mate, I'm 17, so don't f*ck with my age :p. Well, what I was meant was: there are some posts about manly behaviour and thinking in the DJ bible, do you get that mentality automatically when you get more testosterone? So aggression for example is a part of manly behaviour. And horniness is...
  13. M

    Boosting testosterone naturally

    Allright. Thanks for the many replies guys! I think I'm going to buy that 'Testosteron advantage plan' if I can't find a similar book in a local bookstore. Another thing I've been wondering: does testosterone merely effect the body (the muscularity, the amount of fat, etc) or does it have...
  14. M

    Boosting testosterone naturally

    Hmm, too bad, I didn't know that ZMA isn't available in Europe. But I'm wondering: what about those steroids marqZAL is talking about? Where can I find some more reliable information on that and does it have side effects? And trueplayaz, if you buy books on amazon (here in my country we...
  15. M

    Boosting testosterone naturally

    yes, Pook meant ZMA. But allright. As far as I know, fat is only bad for testosterone production, because it converts androgens into female hormones.
  16. M

    Boosting testosterone naturally

    marqZAL, I believe there are other ways. I quote from this topic: So, hey hey, you can increase your testosterone greatly without using ZDA.
  17. M

    Boosting testosterone naturally

    Hmm, that thing about jerking off is quite interesting. Does it really make such a big difference then? By the way, a time ago I posted a thread on testosterone boosting by eating differently, but I really didn't notice any differences. Also, there are medicins (i.e. ZMA) on the market...
  18. M

    "Dating system", European style

    quite many dutch guys on this board. Alles goed jongens? I don't believe that the DJ system is any different anywhere on this planet, only the way how to use it is different. As has been said before, I can't imagine someone approaching a girl on the street, this happens mostly in bars...
  19. M

    Sleep and testosterone levels

    found this on google: