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  1. L

    Still in touch with an Ex

    UPDATE: I called her yesterday afternoon, and told her how i felt and that i won't deal with it anymore. I definitely lead the conversation, and gave her examples such as..."you wouldn't like me chatting with my female friends, infront of you, and imagine if there was a sexual history there"...
  2. L

    Still in touch with an Ex

    I dont think that's what she wants, otherwise she would still be with him. We both like each other, but she's not willing to give up her ex as a friend. Thomz, first you said don't care about it, then you're saying she's testing me and i'm a dead man walking. Where do you stand?
  3. L

    Still in touch with an Ex

    What do you propose that i do? I've been ignoring her via text, so she knows something is up.
  4. L

    Still in touch with an Ex

    @thom I agree with everything you're saying, but it's incredibly difficult for me. She knows that i'm not okay with it, and now she'll be walking on more eggshells around me. When she told me that 'even if i leave the company, i'll still be friends with him'. ....there's no winning here...
  5. L

    Still in touch with an Ex

    Hey guys, Let me jump right to it. Met this girl last September at a party and immediately felt chemistry there. Got in touch a week later, and went on a couple dates. At the time, she was still in a relationship of 2 years (but wasn't happy with it at all and was considering ending it), with...