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  1. C

    What about those of us who are more socially undeveloped?

    I think the question was more like how do you get to the point beyond idol chitchat. I understand that friendships develop slowly but how do you make them when you only see the same potential friends a few times a week.
  2. C

    What about those of us who are more socially undeveloped?

    I'll be transferring to a real school (in a big city) by the fall. But I'd still rather gain some experience before I go.
  3. C

    What about those of us who are more socially undeveloped?

    I've been working on that for the past couple of months. I can honestly say I have the most self esteem now than I've ever had in my entire life. :eek: That's a bit of a ways off. I'm "significantly" over weight but I've been starting a weight-loss program and recently loss about 10 lbs...
  4. C

    What about those of us who are more socially undeveloped?

    Cliff notes: I had been suffering from severe anxiety and depression since I was little, and I missed out on most chances of gaining much social experience. I'm now almost 21 years old ( with low to moderate anxiety :rockon: ) and I'm ****ing tired of always being alone. How do I gain a...