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  1. T

    She pulled the 'Silent Treatment'

    Thanks for the tips/advice (the good, the bad, or just the honest truth) "...It's one thing to make sure that all apologies are hard-won, or that they are few and far between, but to NEVER apologize is just insane!" -I completely agree. "Make her laugh. If you can get away with it, tickle...
  2. T

    Move on or pursue?

    If you're interested in her, and she has been "relatively receptive", then I don't see why not.. Call her up. Try not to bring up the past (don't talk about Girl B) just approach this as a clean slate.
  3. T

    How to expand your social circle?

    Find a social circle that enjoys same the activities and subjects matter. It'll be easier to start a convo. For example, if you like Anime: Look for a convention or a fan group around your area. Exchange contact info, develop rapport, and expand from there.
  4. T

    She pulled the 'Silent Treatment'

    Well I wasn't "trying to be ****y/funny" thats bad wording on my part. I try not to take things TOO seriously with her (I've always cracked jokes and tease her a bit) especially if the energy-levels of a date is a bit low. I want to be in a fun relationship. This particular night she was...
  5. T

    She pulled the 'Silent Treatment'

    Wow thanks for the feedback guys! I don't want to go into too much details in what was actually said (I know kinda lame).. but she took it as a direct insult to her character. And I immediately told her it wasn't (just a bad joke that she took the wrong way). I felt like I gave up a lot of...
  6. T

    She pulled the 'Silent Treatment'

    I got in an argument with my GF. It was my fault (an off-night of trying to be ****y/funny). Then I said something that really offended her (just a joke that she took very badly). I apologized immediately. Told her it was a slip-up and that I never meant to hurt her. She then pulled the...