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  1. M

    Talking To People

    Thanks! I will try to find that material and read the **** out of it... What is a life coach? I am in AZ.
  2. M

    gay guy approached me today

    :yes: Yes, all the time with me. I just recently had a guy offer me $1000 dollars to give me head. No Joke. Its unwanted but I take it as a compliment.
  3. M

    Talking To People

    Thanks man, do you know of any good books, articles or do you recommend just learning by doing it?
  4. M

    Being a nerd

    I agree being yolked helps, a lot. Well... I cant think of a better way to word this.... a cycle of some roids? What do you think?
  5. M

    Being a nerd

    No No, I am a nerd, a bigger nerd than you I guarantee, and I still get young women. My social skills are horrible, I can barely carry converstions... but I use my Non-verbal skills I learned here and I have success...
  6. M

    Talking To People

    I am a 27year old man that suffers from anxiety when talking to..... people, especially women. This has always been an issue for me and I am posting in your forum because I need some help. I am a shy person, always have been. When I talk to people I get extremely anxious to the point of...