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  1. M

    First date.. Confused by her post-date text and how I should have responded to it.

    There is a fine line between a girl acting insecure and a girl being insecure. You were on a date with her so i'm sure you had a good feel of wheather or not she was insecure. A girl acting insecure is fishing for compliments... If you want the mystery going on, then don't give her what she...
  2. M

    Advice on Girlfriends Weight

    Why would you wanna stay in a situation that doesn't make you happy? If she knows you dont wanna have sex with her and seems fine with that (she is happy with her weight and makes no effort to change that - even if that means not having sex with you) be friends.
  3. M

    Leaving a destructive relationship behind and falling for a girl with a boyfriend.

    I think this is very sound advice in this case. Also my respect for you for not trying to steal her. If you feel both of you are wanting to go further into exploring each other beyond the friendzone, mark your boundaries up front. If it comes to a point where you are trying to kiss (or...
  4. M


    The question itself says enough. Depressions really are a drag and you yourself already mentioned that you worry about many things and that you think you will fail. This is what they would a call a self-fulfilling prophesy. Why not just empty the cup into the sink every now and then?? It's a...
  5. M

    Dealing with competition from other guys

    With all due respect, if a girl is being chased by 4 or more men, it doesn't mean she would want all of them. And look at it from a girls perspective: All the good men (bf material) are chasing 4 or more different girls or are even being pursuid themselves by four or more girls! What if...