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  1. F

    Where do I go from here...?

    1. Ask her out. If rejected move to step 3. 2. Make it sexual. Kiss her or whatever ye like. 3. If this fails, move on. They are better options. There ARE better options. Basically what the lads above said but with handy bullet points!
  2. F

    Awkwardness if rejected?

    Thanks for the encouragement guys... I suppose I really have nothing to lose.
  3. F

    Awkwardness if rejected?

    So I'm going to ask this girl from school out but..... How do you deal with the awkwardness if your rejected? I've known her a long time but recently I feel I should just fvckin go for it ye know? Any advice?
  4. F

    NorwegianDJ's journal of personal growth

    Fine I'll register just so I can post :P Well done man you've really inspired me to step outside my comfort zone etc. Keep it up!