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  1. bat soup

    AI girlfriends

    Anyone ever had one? What was your experience? Women are complaining, because if it takes off they'll have less men to milk for money.
  2. bat soup

    Fatty Filters

    Has anyone tried Tinder Platinum which adds the "Fatty Filter". It allows you to filter out all of the whales. Another feature is the "Dry Hole Filter" that filters out all of the women that don't want to hook up.
  3. bat soup

    Stupid Tinder Photos

    Women seem to have missed the point of Tinder. Instead of seeing what they look like you get the following: Pictures of flowers Cartoons Stupid quotes Religious scripts Cats Cartoons Sky Feet Fingers Swimming pools Cakes Dogs No face/Face hidden Trees Rivers Lamposts Sunsets Black screens...
  4. bat soup

    Swipe Left Rules

    I'm finding on these swiping apps that the more you can filter out the type of women that are unlikely to match and/or are not there to fvck, the better your chances of getting some interesting leads. For example, I've taken to filtering out all of the Instagram hos and women buried in makeup...
  5. bat soup

    Women and their tales of woe

    I was in a bookstore the other day and I picked up a book called "My Body" by someone that is famous for absolutely nothing else. Needless to say, it was full of stories of victimhood. The random page I opened mentioned the time she went to sleep over at a drug den (as you do). I was shocked...
  6. bat soup

    Husband challenges toxic masculinity by letting wife change car tire

    This should be an example to us all:
  7. bat soup

    When a woman likes you she lets you LEAD.

    When a woman wants to take advantage of you she LEADS you
  8. bat soup

    Americans Abroad

    Is it just me or are American tourists some of the most boring people in the world? Whenever Americans travel abroad, they find other Americans and then just sit around in big groups talking about their home country. [In Shanghai] Oh, you're from Montana? I went to Montana once in the...
  9. bat soup

    What it means when a girl says "I'm busy"

    When a girl says "I'm busy" she's not exactly lying, but she's leaving something out. What it really means is this: "I'm busy because right now I've got another man's KOK in my mouth". And if a girl claims that she can't meet this week and wants to meet next week, next month etc then she's...
  10. bat soup

    The value of a woman's words

    Is Zero. The more experience you gain, the more you'll realise that this is true. Their words mean nothing. At best, their words just tell you what they'd like you to believe. Their true intentions can be seen in their actions, not their words.
  11. bat soup

    Here's when you know you dodged a bullet

    Here's when you know you just dodged a bullet: A woman asks you to do something or tries to get you to follow her lead by meeting at a specific place that she wants to go to. You suggest an alternative. She disappears (blocks you, stops responding etc).
  12. bat soup

    Female Personality Types

    Here are a few female personality types to look out for: The Hag: Always looks miserable, resting biatch face, looks like she just drank a glass of milk that expired in 1998. The Toad: Arrogant, conceited, always looking around to see if any man is looking at her so that she can laugh and...
  13. bat soup

    Women and their filters

    Has anyone else been tricked into meeting up with butt-ugly women? I remember one girl who looked like a 10 in her photos but was a 4 in person. Face covered in blemishes, jagged teeth etc. I just couldn't believe it was the same person, but when I looked back at her photos I realized it was...
  14. bat soup

    Most stupid things said by PUAs

    What is the most stupid thing you have ever seen or heard a PUA saying? For me, the dumbest thing was when RooshV said that "rape should be made legal if done indoors" or something to that effect and then spent the rest of his life hiding from green-haired feminists.
  15. bat soup

    The one drug that we're all addicted to

    Pleasure We're all addicted to it. It's just that we each get our fix in different ways
  16. bat soup

    Have any of you guys fallen for this?

    I think I've seen quite a few of these on dating sites in different countries around the world, although I never took them seriously. If you see a pretty Chinese girl on a dating site, watch out.
  17. bat soup

    Don't let women lead

    Don't let women lead If you let your gf/wife lead, she'll totally f up your life and then tell you it's your fault for letting her. Women don't take responsibility and they don't want to. Letting a woman lead is like a parent letting a child tell them what to do. Guaranteed disaster for both...
  18. bat soup

    46 and desperate What would you reply to this woman?
  19. bat soup

    Reframing Rejection

    The feeling of rejection is painful and in order to avoid it, it's understandable that guys try to avoid it. It's perfectly normal for a human being to avoid pain and seek pleasure. However, avoiding rejection leads to missing out on a lot of potential opportunities. So I think if you have...