First off, no rude comments or making fun of me for being a complete idiot. Also for those who don't know my mom has severe BPD, I have OCD and people have said I might be on the Asperger spectrum. So plz don't make fun of me if this sounds retarded or I seem like a drama queen making a big deal...
I'm just wondering how to snap out of a funk. I don't think I'm "clinically" depressed but I'm a bit bummed out and apathetic about a few things. I try to approach women and have gotten one girls snapchat which she promptly deleted/blocked me from as soon as I tried to contact her. Started a...
I realized that approach anxiety isn't my real issue. It's something else. Because if I am thinking about approaching a girl, my heart doesn't even start beating faster at all, so it's not anxiety. I usually end up just talking myself out of it somehow, because apparently a lot of the time I...
Hi. I've posted on here awhile back about trying to get over approach anxiety. I've done some introspection and I think my problems with approaching boil down to a few things. One of them is the fact that approaching women in public during the daytime is generally not considered to be "normal"...
I've been struggling a lot with cold approaching sober, and so far the best I've done during the daytime is saying "hi, how's it going" to a few random hot girls. Today I walked by these two girls sitting in the grass talking (one was a 10 for sure), and I walked past them 4 times but never...
I've had bad social anxiety when it comes to talking with strangers my entire life. I don't have any anxiety around people I already know. I want to get over approach anxiety for good, and get to the point where I'm actually doing proper cold approaches, but I'm not sure about the best way to do...
Earlier this week I was super depressed about life so I realized I need to change something. I have very little experience with women and I'm pretty insecure about it. Anyway, I started just saying "hi" to girls just walking around outside and they would say "Hi" back and I realized I could do...
I'm in a rough spot...23 with a degree in math but still living with parents. I'm currently working on an online Master's Degree that I'm supposed to complete in a year and a half, but with the way the economy is going to hell, I wonder if that degree will even be worth it. It took me an...
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