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  1. D

    Source of Reliable Steroid Info

    I'm looking to add some low-key "chemical assistance" to my regimen. I've had decent luck with some cycling of Clenbuteral (though the muscle cramps suck). Looking to try some Winstrol cycling, perhaps with something else to combat the (alleged) side-effects of lowering T-levels. Not looking...
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    Casino apps... similar to swipe app dynamics? I found the above article interesting in light of my ill-advised move to buy a year of Tinder Gold last fall, which just ran out last week. As I've mentioned in the past, my "like" rate...
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    Dem Blue Pill Blues...
  4. D

    Shoulda been more proactive on the equipment front

    With the past 2-1/2 weeks going into COVID-time, and then suddenly having to take on all the work of managing the boys' school routine (my house is "virtual schoolhouse", so they are now here M-F), I was way too distracted processing all the myriad aspects of this sh*tshow. Now that I finally...
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    Now that my workout routine has been curtailed for a week, I'm starting to get serious about having a Plan B for the medium/long term. See my other thread about home gyms. The flip side: what about leaning-up aka shredding? Doesn't that involve less exercise combined with a restrictive diet...
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    Home gym minimums

    I know I'm adding to the chorus of "oh no! my gym closed! now what?" And there have been a bunch of replies, including a lot of YouTube videos. which between work and my additional co-parenting/quasi-home-schooling duties I haven't had time to watch. At the Y, I basically do a round on the...
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    Slow but noticeable changes in OLD, not that it matters much

    I swipe when I'm bored, make incremental changes to my profile when I'm even more bored. Thankfully I'm nowhere as invested in it as I was a year ago, when I learned the hard way just how soul-sucking and toxic that scene is. But now that we're a week into social distancing, changes are...
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    Want to be validated like a woman? Go to another country.

    So I just got back from joining my GF for the tail end of her trip to Costa Rica. Flights were cheap, the housing was cheap, and school vacation last week was my ex's turn. So even though it was only a few days, I figured I needed the adventure. Never been to Central America, never stayed...
  9. D

    Can't resist a good kvetch... "Dad bod"

    So in the Being Muscular thread, the topic of what constitutes a "Dad bod" came up. Without implying any criticism of the original poster of this link, here's Hollywood's notion of "Dad bod":
  10. D

    Attending weddings when red pill is woven into your mindset

    Just wrapped up being at my nephew's wedding. I wish him well, and he stands a better chance than most at coming out okay in a blue pill world. But damn it's hard to sit through, especially at only 18-mo post-decree as The Divorced Uncle. Them going through the same vows I went through, plus...
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    A datapoint along the journey

    (I see a lot of postings of people who are at the beginning of the fabled "working on themselves" and others who at least claim to have conquered that mountain. Not much in between. This post is to reaffirm that it's a process, and it's ok to be not-there-yet, so long as you're still making...
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    Trying to level-up after a year

    Last summer's personal crisis led me to lose 20lbs+ and get myself to the point where I've got nothing to be ashamed of in my physique. There was an initial 3 month rocket boost where the weight came off and the muscles got toned and added some heft. After that it's been a gradual process...
  13. D

    Musings on Post-Wall women...

    About three-four weeks ago I had a date where I got bit by the Photoshopped-to-heaven-and-back profile pics. A whole bunch of perfect storms (sometimes literally) had us stuck in texting mode and not being able to actually get together for like two months. Lesson learned there: even though I...
  14. D

    The dismal state of dating etiquette (beaten to death I'm sure, but gotta rant...)

    So I never really did much "dating" per se, as when I was in HS and College, both were rural areas so traditional dating wasn't really a thing for me. Post-grad, it was more a matter of relationships growing from peer groups in the activities in which I participated. Now I'm a 50-something...