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  1. Floydispink01

    Girlfriend broke up with me after I spent Christmas Day with my family.

    Hi all, Have a read of this. See if I’m at fault or not. Been with my Girlfriend for a couple of years. We live together but have No kids together. She has an adult daughter who works away. We both agreed to alternate Christmas’s. One year we spend it with her family and the next year with...
  2. Floydispink01

    Girlfriend met Ex boyfriend.

    Hi all, Girlfriend told me ex boyfriend has contacted her (which shes messaged back) and turning up at her place unannounced. She met him for coffee (red flag) without telling me to tell him she wants nothing to do with him anymore. He got angry and hounding her. She's rung the police on him...
  3. Floydispink01


    Amazing how you can be with a girl for 5 months. She dotts all over you, great sex, tells you she is massively into you, buys you christmas presents, cooks for you......then dumps you a week before xmas at a flip of a coin without a hint of a warning. Onwards and upwards i guess.
  4. Floydispink01

    Feel like this girl just blew me off.

    Hey all, Been seeing this girl for 3 months. Everything seems ok until today. Last met up with her over the weekend at her place. We had great sex and arranged to meet up tonight for a social gathering. Today she said we dont have to meet up if i dont want too. Told her no worries then and...
  5. Floydispink01

    I've deleted my Facebook and OLD.

    Hey boys and girls. I've decided to delete the above from my life for good. I thinks it's a complete waste of time in my opinion. I've learnt this from my own experience. Better to live life in real time with friends and family that mean most to you. Life is too short. Im going to immerse...
  6. Floydispink01

    Walked out on a date last night...

    Walked out on a first date last night. The date lasted less than an hour. The girl was pretty, brunette and slim. She had spent the whole day drinking with her colleagues leading up to the date and you could tell that she was pretty drunk. We had a good laugh initially and both of us were...
  7. Floydispink01

    Ignoring you

    Here's another article: Ignoring You So you’ve called her and left a voicemail (don’t ever leave voicemails btw.. keep the girl wondering) or maybe you sent her a text-message… and she didn’t respond. What the Fvck you think to yourself… how could this girl not answer me yo(hopefully you...
  8. Floydispink01

    The Waiting Game

    Found this insightful article. Most of the knowledge is mentioned on this site but it's good to reinforce it in your head. The Waiting Game If your value is on the edge (aka – you aren’t blessed with super good looks, tons of money, etc) you better get good at the waiting game. What is...
  9. Floydispink01

    The 30 minute treadmill challenge.

    Hello all, I've just got back into some good 'ol treadmill running for the last week and a half and will be posting my results on here to keep as a tracker. I document my times on a wall chart in the kitchen also but I'll post on here to serve as extra motivation. I'm currently doing 30...
  10. Floydispink01

    A scene from the Inbetweeners

    Here's a funny scene from the British comedy The Inbetweeners. It follow’s the lives of four teenagers striving to be popular in school. In this scene we see Carly, a girl that Simon (one of the main characters) has oneitis for, playfully flirting with him. On the surface, it appears fun and...
  11. Floydispink01

    What's more satisfying to you.....

    Attracting a hot girl and having good sex/dating etc. or Walking away from her and never looking back if she start's messing you around. or neither?
  12. Floydispink01

    Here's one.....

    Thought I would share this story. Couple of months ago I was dating this girl. Had a cool connection, good sex etc. All of a sudden she started going cold on me - You fella's know the drill. I would ask her out to meet and she would give excuse's and flake. I give her the benefit of the doubt...
  13. Floydispink01

    'why dont you go and talk to someone else....goodbye'

    Had a girl and her friend say this to me on saturday night after a quick chat in a bar! It was my first approach of the night so i was little bit off. Was quite refreshing to hear it actually rather than the usual b.ll**** they say. I laughed it off and got two numbers afterwards in the same...
  14. Floydispink01

    Hairdresser Girl

    Gents, I've recently been going to this barbers next to my work for the last month owned by this cute chick. Its only her who works there. She's cut my hair twice now and we have good banter whilst she's chopping my Barnet. She tells me that she lives a boring life and asks what do etc...
  15. Floydispink01

    Alpha male movie scenes

    This is one of my favourites scenes showing a man demonstrating his Alpha male characteristics. Lester Burnham from American Beauty says 'It's a great thing when you realize you still have the ability to surprise yourself.' Here he's showing his ability in full flow after catching his wife with...
  16. Floydispink01

    The Smartphone era

    I currently have the iPhone 6 (which I'm using to write this post. The irony) but I find myself always checking it with updates, notifications etc. It's certainly turned into an addictive habit for myself and I'm guessing for others too. Everywhere I go I see people glued to them. Trains...
  17. Floydispink01

    Be Direct and break down the Fear Wall. The tales of a Regular Guy.

    I tried out online dating yesterday (tinder) and matched up with this girl. (7.5 looks) So I pinged her a message asking how she is and commented on a place she has visited in one of her pics. Quick chit chat back and forth and then I asked if she wants to meet for a drink this week. She was...
  18. Floydispink01

    Is she playing a game?

    Hello Fellow SoSuavers, I would like some advice please. I’ve met a girl recently who is a 9/10 looks wise - Nice girl. Pay’s her way. Good sense of humour. We’ve met up three times in the last month and I’ve taken her back to her place each time and we’ve had sex on each occasion. Both in...