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  1. M

    It's Not Hard To Get Sex From Women

    Sometimes guys make the game more complicated than it needs to be. Getting Sex is not difficult. Check me out as I explain more here:
  2. M

    Don't be afraid to call women out on their BS

    I was coaching this guy who was telling me that he was dealing with this girl who was being very disrespectful but he didn't want to say anything because he didn't want to jeopardize his chances of having sex with her. You guys have to check these women sometimes. Don't be afraid to call...
  3. M

    Never Fall For The Female Sales Pitch

    A lot of guys fall for this which is a big mistake. Too many guys listen to what women say they want and this is what messes up a guys chances getting the girl. Check out this video where I talk about "The Female Sales Pitch"
  4. M

    Women are not better than you

    Hey there are some guys who have probably have problems with women just because of how they think about women. Check out this video I did where I explain why you should not put women on a pedistal:
  5. M

    7 Reasons Why Women Make It Difficult For You To Sleep With Them

    I did a coaching session a while back with a client and he was asking me why do women make it difficult for you to sleep with them sometimes. He was asking me why do some women seem to want to make you jump through hoops to get with them. I did a whole podcast talking about it. Check it out...
  6. M

    Stop Caring About What Women Want and What They Think

    I notice a lot of guys worry too much about what a chick is going to think about them. Doing this will ruin your game. Check out what I say you should not care about what she wants and how that will improve your game. Click here to listen:
  7. M

    Download the First Chapter of “How to Have Sex With 2 Women A Day” For FREE!!!!

    Hey I put out the first chapter of my critically acclaimed book "How to Have Sex With 2 Women a Day" for FREE!!! Check it out and get you copy here: Let me know what you guys think
  8. M

    Getting Her Number Isn't Enough

    I've been seeing a couple of videos of guys walking up to women and telling them to just put their number in their phones. I always tell guys that getting a phone number doesn't really mean that she is going to see you again or even have sex with you. You have to do more than just tell a girl to...
  9. M

    The Hot Guy Myth

    The Hot Guy Myth: The belief that a physically attractive man gets a lot of women because he’s good looking. Most men and women assume that if a man is physically attractive that he gets with or can get a lot women mainly because he is good looking. It might seem safe to assume that...