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  1. P

    need advise, on the verge of breakdown

    C'mon, dude, the people on here are showing you more love and concern than this psycho ever will. Do you like the way you feel now? Do you ever want to feel this way again? If not then you know when you have to do... cut her loose and go NC. I just did this with my own cluster B (AsPD) and...
  2. P

    Posting problem?

    Still not working- geez
  3. P

    Posting problem?

    Figured it out- too long. Posting in parts now
  4. P

    Posting problem?

    Since I saw this post pop up, I tried my bigger post again- still nothing...
  5. P

    Posting problem?

    I am a new member and tried posting on here. It has been about 2 hours and I do not see the post yet. I reposted, thinking I hit the wrong button, but still nothing. If you are new to the forum are your posts moderated and approved before they appear? If it is not approved will I be notified?