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    Birthday gift?

    any ideas?, needs to be quick cause her birthday is on friday, she invited me to her party. i dont know her all that well yet, but i really like her and want to get her somthing. What should i get?
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    Giving Sincere Compliments

    to Teh Wolf, all i mean is that many people only comment on looks just becuse they cant see anything elese or it is the only thing they can think of because they feel a need to compliment. even if they do not truly want to compliment on that. If you want to compliment her on looks go right ahead...
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    another prom date question

    there is other to ask, like this other girl that is easily a 8 or 9 would go with me, and would have sex with me for sure and all that, but shes not LTR material for me. where as this girl im looking at in a more LTR veiw. ive allways kind of hung out down the hall from her and talked and stuff...
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    another prom date question

    sorry seems like prom has been spamming a bit so i just wanna ask this short question then this thread can get bumped way down and out of the way:P alright so here it is. Situation : girl I know that i want to ask to prom has been saying that she has been asked to prom several times and the...
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    Paying for things?

    you dont allways have to pay, there is many things you two could do together that dont involve money *wink**wink*, lol what i mean is just invite her over to your house for a movie, or dinner with your family, or just go walking. or if she likes any sports that dont cost anything (hiking or...
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    dont know how to progress with this girl help plz

    hang out outside of work or school.... give her a ride home. or just simly ask her to come hang out at a movie or when your doing somthing with friends. encorperate her into your daily things or events you go to. Going to a thing (sports,golfing,shopping) with your dad or mom or friends? invite...
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    Giving Sincere Compliments

    what i find works really well is complimenting on somthing people wouldent normally compliment on, such as telling her how good looking she is, the clothing she is wearing is nice etc. Ive gotten really good responses when just seeing somtihng i like about her then complimenting her on it. Such...
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    work arounds

    like yesterday i went out with this girland a few friends to watch a movie she invited me over to her house the next day, with her and her friend for a few drinks in the evning. but i couldent go cause my parents would have to pick me up and drive me there. and they dont like me going to girls...
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    work arounds

    so im in highschool, gr 12 yet i dont have my lisence yet. this gets very annoying as my parents have to drive me everywhere. I got invited to parties and peoples places before but i cant go because my parents would have to drive me and allways want to know what im doing. they are super over...
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    next? and hows my progress

    next i guess lol, unless she says somthing to me when i get back from spring break, also cause i met this other girl while i was ona school trip in europe the past 10 days :P makin another post later about that, some quite dumbass happinings on my part that is just worth posting cause its so funny
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    next? and hows my progress

    i see, so what should i do now?
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    next? and hows my progress

    should I next, starting to get the hang of some of this DJing stuff now, anyways heres the scoop Met girl at school known for a while but never talked, started talking more (sorta stole her from a guy i know cause he was interested in her an talked to her first but she wasent inerested in him)...
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    So, Do I NEED a Girlfriend?

    are you my secret twin!! lol this is exacally what is going on with me right now, even the part about a girl i want to go for sitting across from me but another girl I talk to frequently between us. Id like to see some replys to this thread.
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    I need a refresh of DJing dealing with this girl

    I acually have a similer situation with a girl that is in 2 of my classes, cant tell if shes interested or not yet, but we have chatted a few time about school stuff, just need a reminder of what to do when talking and how to escallate etc. so she feels comfortable around me.
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    Hats, Glasses n' More

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    Hats, Glasses n' More

    So I wear contacts these day most often, I used to wear glasses but most people ivemet within the last year dont even know I wear contacts or glasses cause im never out of them anyways thats just a bit of info, I look really too young I think I start university in september and want to look...
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    i joined and it give the whole 12 week routine and all free, food guide everything on the guys bio says he has a bunch of degrees and cetificuts and stuff. im just looking for muscle in general ill get worried about more advanced stuff later when i acually have muscle :P
  18. B dose it work? anyone seen this before? and why is it all free if its so good?
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    Any Frickin Ways to Stop Jackin Off!!!

    mee too any answers here?? its somthing ive been struggleing with for quite a while