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  1. C

    Need some help/advice

    I agree with Yuri. Read Pook's stuff about being a man and confidence carefully. It really gave me a boost a few months ago and put me on the right track. It's amazing that some post on the internet was enough of a kick in the ass to get me UP OFF OF MY ASS and changing the way I look at things...
  2. C

    Need some help/advice

    Proceed to the bottom of the forum to the "DJ Bible" link. Get a cup of coffee, make sure you have some ample free time and indulge. Also check out the thread started yesterday on good posters other than Pook. I believe its still at the bottom of the first page. Good links in there.
  3. C

    GF of my close friend Coming On Hard.....

    I don't ever plan on getting in her pants like I said. It's just an awkward situation to have to tell my friend....especially since i'm pretty sure he knows already! Weird!
  4. C

    GF of my close friend Coming On Hard.....

    Ok let me preface this by saying I would never consider doing the unthinkable in this situation because I like to believe I have some semblance of personal honor and integrity.... We're at a bar and one of my best friends girlfriend of over a year starts getting intense. She comes up to me...