The story of Alexian Lien has reports that the racist blacks were trying to drag out his Wife out of the SUV while their 2 year old daughter was in her arms.
What was the intent there? Were these blacks going to beat the 2 year old Asian girl and her mother to death simply because they are...
You would see mass rioting, lynching of Asian males, many white males committing suicide.
Yet this is not the case because 100% of white females do not go for Asian guys.
Why is it that Asian males are forced to live a lonely life with no girls, spit on by society and there is not more rioting...
It's easier to win the lottery. As an Asian-American dude,
I am at the bottom of the totem pole. I cannot get girls ever.
I paid a "wingman" $500 to go with me and show me the ropes.
This wingman said "watch how it's done", all I saw was him talking to girls asking
girls for numbers and...
What is some advice for Asian American guys to get dates?
I have never been on one before.
I paid $500 for a wingman, but he could not get any numbers.
I have never met a competent wingman before.
I have been out and paid a wingman $500 to show me the ropes.
All he did was talk to a bunch of girls the whole nite, didn't get any numbers, had me buy him drinks,
and then he said "I hope you learned some valuable lessons" wtf.
I am an Asian guy, and I can't find any...
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