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  1. f(x)

    I don't Understand Women

    Please explain this part. How do I step out of the male paradigm and get on the right wavelength? What is the male paradigm and right wavelength? Thank you.
  2. f(x)

    I don't Understand Women

    My guess is that female “friends” are necessary to build and maintain a social circle. It is probably more beneficial if they are viewed as acquaintances and kept at a distance. I allowed myself to slip into the f****dzone once after a one year relationship and I did end up being used and...
  3. f(x)

    Gonna start a Tinder account this weekend whats some advice?

    I’m getting vaxxed at the end of the month, then making all new accounts. In the past I didn’t really put much effort into them but had some success. I may try the upgrades if there is a free trial. For the most part I will follow the advice of this article...
  4. f(x)

    Player friend's advice differs heavily from forum advice

    This. remember the A in PUA Artist
  5. f(x)

    Huge Dropoff in Forum Activity: Why?

    I don’t recall this forum having such an overt political slant 10 years ago.
  6. f(x)

    How the F-ck Are Guys Getting Dates?

    I’ve always considered The Atlantic to be a centrist publication. Which media outlets do you recommend?
  7. f(x)

    How the F-ck Are Guys Getting Dates?

    True. I live near the beach in a sub-tropical climate. There are plenty of maskless people around. The beach and nearby trails are the one exception I make to not wearing a mask when in public, but I take precautions to distance myself from others. I have struck up conversations with women in...
  8. f(x)

    How the F-ck Are Guys Getting Dates?

    I’m not dating until I get vaxxed, then it’s on. I recognize opportunities and signals when I’m out, but forgoing them is helping me tap into the “abundance mentality.” In the meantime I’m learning how to invest, improving my software development skills, and getting my physique back to what it...
  9. f(x)

    Cold approach in fitness class

    Pavel’s books are great if you want flexibility but don’t want to do yoga. It’s where I started.
  10. f(x)

    Cold approach in fitness class

    Follow TheProspect’s advice. I’ve been practicing various forms of yoga at home for about ten years now, but when I do go to a studio I sit in the front row near the instructor. This way everyone can see me and they’re more comfortable knowing I’m not in the back being a creep. Yoga is great...
  11. f(x)

    3 day tuna diet

  12. f(x)

    3 day tuna diet

    Get a bike with at least 10 speeds, preferably more. Do you have bike trails in your area? If not, look on google earth for safe back roads. Cycling torches fat and is actually fun. It is excellent HIIT. If you combine this with a weight training regimen you will easily get ripped and improve...
  13. f(x)

    I'm a little bit down right now, what are some good ways to make real money without having to rely on others?

    You could be a regional airline pilot in 9 months, then work your way up. Pay sucks starting out but int’l pilots can make well into the six-figures. Well, you’d definitely have to rely on others for this but it looks fun as hell. Plus you’d probably get to bang flight attendants. If I were a...
  14. f(x)

    AFC Geek brother getting laid and what I AM A PUA ?

    Is it possible some of these accounts could be bots or some type of AI contraption? I find it odd that a lot of very old posts have been getting answers. Then again, I tend to overthink things...
  15. f(x)

    Girl Wants To Have Sex, But Told Her Have Covid Test First

    They have rapid testing where I live. I’m thinking about making the testing site a location for meeting, that way after we’re both tested we can eliminate a lot of the worry. My rationale is that if she’s willing to meet and get tested she probably cares about her health and that of others too...
  16. f(x)

    Fractional Investing

    Opened account on SoFi with $5 Got $10 in free stock. Bought Tesla. This actually seems like it could be fun! Next step, learn about the market, lol I wonder where I’ll be a year from now?