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  1. N

    Guys: staring during sex

    Im not sure but I think its supposed to give a more powerful emotional orgasm or something like that. Like a connection thing
  2. N

    Anybody looking to get in on the online Poker craze-

    Anyone have any other websites or info where someone really new at poker could learn? Thanks id like to start cashing in
  3. N

    Diet help!

    Thanks man, I eat my oatmeal with just water right now but ill definetly try it with some protein. Yeah I chose this name from dbz like when I was 9 and it stuck I guess, not that I look like nappa much anymore:) This should be an interesting test of my dedication. -Matt
  4. N

    Diet help!

    Hey guys im currently 5'11 235 lbs and im trying to mostly drop weight but not really loose alot of my muscle mass. For exercise im lifting 3 times a week and doing cardio on the treadmill the other days. The diet part is what im concerned about. One question I have is fruit a good thing to have...