Good Afternoon Gents,
Just a general background because I find it quite difficult to get out and meet with high quality women.
I got out of the Marine Corps in 2018, I was deployed twice, the first time had its moments but the second time is were I got nailed with PTSD. Transitioning out of...
Thanks for these wise words, I have already in the past cut people out of my life to ensure my circle is small but loyal and have a growth mindset. This is new journey is a-lot to digest but swallow the pill I have and the lessons I will learn through this forum and other resources is pivotal...
I've known of Rollo and the Rationale male and I heard him mention the forum and I'm interested in surrounding myself with people who know more than me so I can stand the shoulders of giants.
Thanks for the advice! I really appreciate it. Having some male guidance in today's world is pivotal to mine, and all young men's ability to succeed in all areas of life. Any bit of info helps.
I've been lurking that last few days and thought I'd make a post. From what I gathered over the last few weeks is to become my center point of origin which I am. I signed up for a gym and now I'm in the process of bulking. I've seen how my blue pilled ways in the past have affected my efficacy...
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