Search results for query: sexual market value

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  1. Solomon

    5 Predictions For Dating In The Next 10 Years (and Beyond)

    This thread is inspired by @sangheilios , I was thinking about things that will affect dating within the next 10, 20 years or even longer. These are based of things I see as well as my research this is merely my opinion AI/Tech Dating This is a no-brainer, as we discussed before. AI girlfriend...
  2. SW15

    Article: Marriage rates are up, and divorce rates are down, new data shows

    Most men are invisible to most women. Most women are rejecting most men. Longer term pair bonding is down overall. There are fewer instances of marriage and babies. In most social circles, most people will still marry and have babies. However, there is growth in the number of people not having...
  3. Clockwerk50

    Why I think most relationships fail

    The lemurs’ females also have their sexual market on lock. They are looking for the best scented male to fight off disease and parasite for their offspring. Sarcasm aside, your post gives me the impression that men that are getting laid should be sympathetic towards the ones that don’t.
  4. Manure Spherian

    Why I think most relationships fail

    That’s because it’s marriage, and Muslims aren’t gynocentric or silly enough to allow women full ownership of the sexual market (eg, incentivized, no-fault divorce). When and if society gets another go-around, the construct of “relationship” might have to be abolished. Likely the only doofuses...
  5. MatureDJ

    Why the Red Pill/Manosphere/Game community suddenly wants all men to get married and have kids.

    I think mainstream non-denominational Christianity has devolved into a cuckfest, with the men there told, "you need to man up". :rolleyes: When a man responds that the only chicks in the church to date - or that would be OK with dating him, ahem :mad: - are inevitably single mommies or whales...
  6. Hoodie

    Why the Red Pill/Manosphere/Game community suddenly wants all men to get married and have kids.

    Why can't game, marriage and having children merge? Get rich so you can support having children with many wives / girlfriends. Having many wives / girlfriends is good for game. Treat them all the same and let them know before you get into a relationship with them you have other girlfriends...
  7. V

    Why the Red Pill/Manosphere/Game community suddenly wants all men to get married and have kids.

    Because that's why we exist. Everything outside of procreation will lead to apathy... a bunch of people finding weird hobbies or unusual sexual interests, just to make it through the day Everyone needs an escape from the cruelness of the world; it used to be offspring, now it's nothingness online
  8. C

    Why the Red Pill/Manosphere/Game community suddenly wants all men to get married and have kids.

    People don't want to see their Western societies ending up like Japan and experiencing Population Collapse because the current sexual market paradigm is really a trajedy of the commons (ie less net children born into society). People who care about society understand that the bedrock of society...
  9. SW15

    Why the Red Pill/Manosphere/Game community suddenly wants all men to get married and have kids.

    I've not noticed that about the direction of the red pill/Manosphere space. I'm not sure who you're reading/watching in the so-called red pill space. If you are a man who has a more conservative worldview and you are into attraction and seduction, you're likely a more secular conservative...
  10. Jesse Pinkman

    Why the Red Pill/Manosphere/Game community suddenly wants all men to get married and have kids.

    When I used to follow Manosphere content over a decade ago, the vibe was different. The idea was that as a man, you should be weary of marriage as marrying the wrong woman can damage your life. There was not a lot of judgment towards men who "spin plates" or run a rotation of women rather than...
  11. S

    Is it bad for a girl to be a Keeper?

    Actually, I want only one person, but I want her to be open to me. She gets bored when the subject comes up. She even gets angry with me. On the one hand I like it but on the other hand I don't know if it's true. I somehow made it up to her but it was 2. If I bring up the subject again she will...
  12. SW15

    Is it bad for a girl to be a Keeper?

    ...of a good thing than a bad thing at 18-20. She could be trying to get the best long term deal she can get for herself while her sexual market value is highest. She has wisdom to do that in her late teens/early 20s rather than riding the penis carousel into her late 20s or 30s. If you have a...
  13. Bingo-Player

    FR - Thursday

    Thursday is blowing up in Australia atm as they run singles events on Thursdays Basically just a bar full of singles , and thats pretty much it they do nothing else other than market it and rent the venue for a few hours Anyway they had 3 events on in Melbourne last night for varying age...
  14. Clockwerk50

    Scarcity mindset is not a negative thinking pattern when it is based in reality most of the time

    Outcome independence, confidence, and frame go hand in hand with the abundance ideology that you are trying to analyze. Even if there are no woman in your life, as long as you are leading an interesting and happy life, the women will come. On the other side of the coin, if you do not get any...
  15. SW15

    So what's your game with college-educated chicks that are outraged that they can't get a proper job from that degree?

    This is an interesting topic. I'm going to discuss her situation first and then go on to the topic of how she might be approached and seduced in the open market. Alison...
  16. B

    Chick admits it - women settle because they can't get the guy they really want, and will leave husband in a heartbeat if something better comes along

    Yep, along with reminding their/our sons that walking around with their asses and underwear hanging out, despite the fact they're wearing jeans or slacks + Speaking exclusively in either ebonics or Internet jargon reflects poorly on MEN as a class Put women on alert that we're raising our...
  17. Manure Spherian

    Chick admits it - women settle because they can't get the guy they really want, and will leave husband in a heartbeat if something better comes along

    Does that go for telling daughters not to leave the house with their vulvas showing? None of the sort of schadenfreude videos the OP posts will have any effect on female anti-social behavior. None! Generally speaking women do not care because Anglospherian societies allow them 100 percent...
  18. SW15

    Have you noticed that it's mostly "leftover" women and single mommies that no longer want to be "strong/independent", but instead have a "soft life"?

    Not every male would achieve that upward mobility. Baby Boomer males were the broadcast TV/basic cable males. Plenty of Boomers have had decent lives in the sexual marketplace without amazing traits. Had these Boomers been born in the era of Millennials/Gen Z, they would have been incels or...
  19. J

    my lowest point and the most magnetic men i've ever met

    ...weights, dressing well, being healthy, being more social, engaging with women and men more, learning about psychology and why sexual market value (SMV) works. Then something happened that affected me more than ever. I was working in a coffee shop as a coffee specialist. The owner, a bald...
  20. SpartanWarrior77

    The most underrated factor determining you'll be her "Mr Right"

    Well one thing that comes to mind is "irrational" factor when it comes to relationships. It is true I believe that basing your chemistry with someone on logical factors doesn't get you anywhere. "She's hot, she's nice, well educated but I just don't have any attraction for her." It's the same...