Napoleon Hill talked about this phenomenon in his later books. He taught salesman to condition the minds of their prospects before ever meeting them by sending out their thought waves ahead of them.
I've had some good luck with it - not necessarily better than real life, but the chicks I met from online had their lives together more than chicks from bars or clubs ever did. It's true though that no matter what kind of b.s. they tell you or put in their personal ads about what kind of guy...
BGMan - I'm doing the same thing with the System. My last gf ended up in disaster because I chose to ignore a few things and listen to my emotions instead. I was doing exactly what Doc Love says - listening to my ego instead of the System - and everything blew up in my face as a result. So...
I have to agree... every time I've been in that situation and I didn't next her, the situation got so bad that I wished I would have done it earlier on.
The chick in the article said her last boyfriend didn't kiss her for four dates? What the hell is that? I ALWAYS kiss on the first date, then throw her number away if she isn't into it! Damn, no wonder why the DJ and System stuff works so well - there's no competition left anymore!! I had a...
Not too long ago I was trying to find a new way to advance my learning in the ways of a DJ. I've studied most of the relevant material (especially the DJ Bible and The System), been active on this board, and have gradually been getting better and better with women.
In every failed...
I don't go to clubs much anymore but have had really good luck with hooking up when I do go. I always overdress and make sure I'm the best-dressed guy in there, and I always make small-talk with the hottest chicks in there. Even though I've never gone home with one of the 10s, it's social...
No dependency as it's not a drug but it's been linked to kidney stones and dramatically increases your chances of getting them. Now that's straight creatine. You can now get "creatine serum" which gives you all the benefits of creatine but with no risk of kidney stones. One brand is...
The System says that affection is hugely important in a relationship but that you must never show a woman affection until her interest level hits 90%. I tend to agree with this because it's obviously necessary to keep a woman happy, but if you're affectionate before you know you "have" her, it...
One other statistic to remember - of the 49% of marriages that don't end in divorce, 99% of the men are unhappy.
I always thought I'd be married by now (I'm just about 30) but there comes a point in every relationship where the b.s. and hassles simply are no longer worth it, and of course sex...
Maybe you need more carbs before you go. If I don't eat lots of complex carbs (potatoes, whole-wheat bread, etc) about 2 hours before a heavy workout, I run out of gas too.
Yeah it definitely works, especially in a nice bar or club. Chicks will approach me when I'm dressed to the nines. The only problem is that sometimes golddiggers will want to go out with me, they see the nice clothes and think I must have money, but then they're gone as soon as they find out...
I like keeping hot chicks as friends, and since most of the ones I know are golddiggers, I couldn't date them anyway, nor would I want to. But I love to meet a hot chick at a bar where I know other hot chicks work or hang out, then it's really easy to go back and get numbers. I hooked up with...
I finally bought the system after reading his articles for over a year and studying lots of other material, including this site. At first I was disappointed but after reading the book twice and listening to the cd's 4 or 5 times, it all came together and started to make sense. The System fills...
Usually when I fall out of stage 3 it's because I stopped being a Challenge too soon, or I got too comfortable and took the girl for granted and stopped being charming and exciting.
I'm in 3 right now (dating about 6-1/2 months) and into the 'crisis situation' that always seems to happen when I get to 3. How the hell do I handle the women who mistakenly think the relationship is over when the honeymoon period ends and we get deep into the comfort zone? Is it normal that...
You'll get over it with time. I did. Then you'll master getting dates. Then you'll master getting more dates, then you'll master getting laid. Then the next challenge, then the next.
As for me, I started studying this DJ stuff and Doc Love etc about 2 years ago and now I've gotten to the...
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