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  1. MachinePT

    "Good women are never single" Is this fact?

    What is a good woman anyway? Whenever i read stuff like this title, i remember the **** that was given to David DeAngelo by the seduction community, for not getting an ideal arian/Scandinavian gf, but one that supported him in his life, and growing his business :/
  2. MachinePT

    What games are y'all playing these days?

    This !!! Never has a game being so hot and cold at the same time ;)
  3. MachinePT

    I Need Book Recommendation Life + Relationship +Money + Masculinity

    Millionaire fastlane Flash boys The Big Short Rational Male
  4. MachinePT

    LTRs and problems with intimacy

    Thank you for all your replies. Read all you said and i think i really need to heal myself from high stimulous high reward behaviours (booze, porn, chasing *****), thank god i dont like drugs. Have 4 girls interested in me currently, i like the attention, but dont have enough drive to go...
  5. MachinePT

    LTRs and problems with intimacy

    Single mom. Over controlled / protected. You get the picture
  6. MachinePT

    LTRs and problems with intimacy

    Thanks for the reply. What do you suggest? Its been a bit difficult to get out of the norm since i prefer hanging around with my younger mates (that also know game, tragically :D) and all the guys my age just stay home and watch Netflix :/ or play boardgames.
  7. MachinePT

    LTRs and problems with intimacy

    Next Next year im 39
  8. MachinePT

    LTRs and problems with intimacy

    Im 38 now
  9. MachinePT

    LTRs and problems with intimacy

    Hmm 10 year of difference. I think it is really a novelty issue
  10. MachinePT

    LTRs and problems with intimacy

    My friends love my gfs. But the problem , along side porn,is that they are all puas. Its hard to shut down the pick up engine when all the time i hear their field reports and videos, photos etc...i end up valuing more the time i spend with the boys :/
  11. MachinePT

    LTRs and problems with intimacy

    Great answer dude. It really answered alot of questions for me. thanks
  12. MachinePT

    LTRs and problems with intimacy

    I think that deep down we all want a partner, specially if it's good material
  13. MachinePT

    LTRs and problems with intimacy

    Maybe it's the long exposure to porn , dunno. feels like i havent got all out of my system yet. So you keep the same intensity of desire for the same person after months ?
  14. MachinePT

    LTRs and problems with intimacy

    Hey guys, been a lurker for some time in this forum, learned tons through you guys, and this is my first post. I have been noticing some issues in me with LTRs , in wich after about 3 months of banging the same girl, i start to lose interest in the interaction. I mantain the relationship as...
  15. MachinePT

    my body needs more gangster vibes

    Go watch some john sonmez videos. He gives IT advice as well as pick up. The guy really buffed himself up
  16. MachinePT

    Why are women not responding back despite looking at my profile?

    OLD is designed to grant the 10% top men access to all the girls. The rest gets scraps
  17. MachinePT

    Critique my two dates and interaction. Did I get played?

    Dude , You already banged her, you did your job as a man- It is the women's job to drag someone into relationship. You DO NOT WANT to have any kind of relationship with such individual. The kind of games these girls play , hot and cold , feels like a drug, but you wont get much more from it...
  18. MachinePT

    The *No Contact* Challenge! ( Read this if you just got dumped)

    Yeah we all laugh, but it seem there's is always a friend ready to cross you, over some broad. So many girls out there, there is no need to bang your friend's ex.
  19. MachinePT

    The *No Contact* Challenge! ( Read this if you just got dumped)

    Sup dudes seeing a pattern here , in wich most cases an ex ends up hooking with your best friend or buddys. How many here had this happening to them?