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  1. S

    what is going on in this chicks head? (long)

    Glad you realized my friend...
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    The restaurant bill syndrome

    I suggest you never expect any of this... A woman will seldom initiate anything especially after 1/2 dates. My question was more a poll than asking for particular advice. The thing with paying the bill : when you tell her that next time is on her, you can straight away detect through...
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    The restaurant bill syndrome

    Because that is what I usually do when I go out of work... I have to eat and therefore go to dinner. It can't be more trivial than this...
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    The restaurant bill syndrome

    First date, you are in a restaurant and the waitress is bringing the bill: 28$. Your date is holding you a 20$ bill and asking if it is enough (while you are paying by credit card). What would you do: -take her 20$ bill (meaning your date is paying for more than what she is supposed to)...
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    DJs in France

    All rite, this thread is for all French guys interested in DJing... Let me know where you at
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    I know too much about my GF's past !

    The worst hos are the ones keeping their mouths zipped... Anyways, next this one for daring to talk too much crap. Big and dirty mouths are to be avoided at all costs
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    Women's Sexual Past

    Yeah stop battling and wasting your energy over this cause. In the end, men will end up recovering their initial place in society and *****es with no morals will lose the oportunity they are nowadays given to end up with a nice chump.... A ***** shall never be able to live a decent woman's...
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    Finally hit it but didn't call the next day...

    I don't really understand why us guys should put the blame on ourselves and feel guilty enough to do the reassuring in this situation. She's a responsible adult and it takes 2 to tango! Let us please quit this mentality of always setting the guilt on men, all the hypocrisy around man/woman...
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    Cold as ice Middle Eastern girls

    A joke ? No comment homie... :D This reaction is typical from people lacking arguments : dealing with issues which definitely have nothing to do with the context of the discussion... 1) Spelling ? :D (especially when it is just a typo) 2) A question ? :confused: Nobody (except you...
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    Cold as ice Middle Eastern girls

    You having a middle eastern friend ? haha I strongly doubt it... If it was the fact, just for the sake of this friendship, you, like me and other people here who felt offended by such a defamatory topic, would have strongly condemned the racist stuff that was propagated within this thread...
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    Cold as ice Middle Eastern girls

    Another stupid cause to fight ? How about tackling the desperate case of pro-zionists in the world ? It sounds good to me, they need a tremendous support :D :D Anyways, I am definitely not surprised at your intervention since as a good hard right-winger israeli you surely hate everything...
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    Cold as ice Middle Eastern girls

    What the hell are you doing here ? Is it the trial of all girls not ' lucky enough' to be Westerners ? It is pathetic and now I understand why u can't get any of them. It is definitely not about their personalities or them being stuck up... It's about you and your mind being overwhelmed with...
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    I have to study-WTF?

    Being charismatic and creating sexual attraction dont come with jokes, being funny... Either you have it or you don't. Some people might be good-looking, funny, entertaining but they still lack this special something to become great lovers. Becoming a DJ is also about having some natural...
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    B!tches, Hoes and Hypocrisy

    You are a fascist idiot, and now I can understand why the israeli people are so harmful to the peace in the world. Go and check the poll that has been proposed in all european countries where the conclusion was that THE MAJOR THREAT TO PEACE IN THE WORLD WAS : israel . Of course, you wont get...
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    B!tches, Hoes and Hypocrisy

    And I assume you're a jew for posting so many posts against Islam. You are very wrong my friend : No Muslim, absolutely no Muslim was been taught to hate jews all his life. On the contrary, israeli jews are making all the hating : enslaving men and women, building a wiring around their tiny...
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    B!tches, Hoes and Hypocrisy

    If these are not your words, why do u insert them stupidly in your post without any citation? Moreover, how dare u type such a defamatory statement without having any knowledge about the issue you are dealing with ? Islam is a religion that strives to make its believers the best possible people...
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    Ho into a housewife?

    Come and share this happiness when 'this one' is gonna let you down 'cause u leave her unsatisfied when so many guys in the past were able to. A woman who's had x (x>1) partners will have x+1 and her life will be about going from man to man and then settle with a loser who thinks she's 'his...
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    Help me decipher this ******** email

    What's all this ? U're doing a PhD on ur "relationship" with this girl ? She's not interested and it's blatant. A girl truly interested in u makes it very clear that she wants to spend time with u: anytime u call her to hang out she says yes, no games, no flakiness... What's all this...
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    Man speak for not interested?

    That's basically the case for every girl, u dont even have to be cute... If a guy gets ur number, he's at least interested in shagging u. I guess this guy's interest in u doesn't go beyond this basic level...
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    Ho into a housewife?

    I completely agree with you PuertoRican and it comes most probably from the fact that u are latin and I am Mediterranean. We guys have a strong sense of pride and we settle for nothin less than a girl with virtue. DEKKA be very careful with what you do from now on cause' u re going through a...