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  1. T

    Strange turn of events!!!!

    Got a call from my son's mother... she said she's willing to give me Shared Parenting, visitation, lower child support, legal rights, everything I wanted at the mediation....... ....if I drop my Shared Parenting case, and drop the Guardian Ad Litem. She told me her attorney will work out...
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    Going in front of the judge tomorrow. Wish me luck. know what sucks, what really sucks? When my son is with me, he tells me he loves me like a zillion times. I mean, I never get tired of hearing it, it keeps me going. ..BUT, when he's with his Mom, or his other family, he doesn't even utter those words to me. I'll say "I love you...
  3. T

    the avg man is quite pathetic

    haters are everywhere bro... just do your best to ignore them. I do.
  4. T

    Going in front of the judge tomorrow. Wish me luck.

    Yes! ...she tries her best to make me look like a dirtbag, deadbeat father, every chance she gets.
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    Going in front of the judge tomorrow. Wish me luck.

    Very long, and strange day... She had an attorney and I didn't... I was pretty much given everything I wanted, with hardly a fight. I was wondering to myself "...what am I missing here? This is way too easy." As her attorney was writing up the agreement, I asked " what you writing is...
  6. T

    Going in front of the judge tomorrow. Wish me luck.

    She got an attorney.. I didn't.. not yet. I'm hoping best case scenario... we hammer out the last two details of the Shared Parenting... worst case, I get a continuous, and get a lawyer. Only thing we are battling is scheduling/amount of time I get to see my son.. and tax exempt, which I said...
  7. T

    Penkitten's son... has a date

    that's so awesome. :) I remember my first date... she was the hottest blonde in class... and she liked Ozzy. We were I think 13 or 14... we met at the movies.. and saw some Denzel Washington movie... where he was a son to a white father. I don't remember the movie too much.. but I do remember...
  8. T

    Question concerning Child Support...

    That is fine.. that was established at the last mediation. Since my son is going to go to the school she is referring him to, she would be the "primary care-giver". How, or why would that cost me my time with my son? She will still get her money, she will still have my son going to the school...
  9. T

    Whats better: a wealthy, successful "7" or a regular "10"?

    A "10" with financial backing. We look for the same traits that women look for in us. It may sound shallow to some but, it is what it is.... we want to be "well off" and have tons of babies. That is our job, as a male species. We can pretend that we're above that, but then all we are...
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    Question concerning Child Support...

    I originally was asking for every other week with my son. I worked my butt off for 3 years at this job to get in position to be able to do just this. When I finally was rewarded my 1st shift position... my son's mother denied me anymore time with him. Mind you, I'm paying close to $600 a...
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    Victory, for my son and I!

    Thanks PK.... :flowers: Not sure if I'd mentioned this but... my son can tie his shoe now. Taught him last weekend.
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    Victory, for my son and I!

    Thanks everyone, but it looks like I'll be fighting the good fight some more... The mediator called me last week. He said my son's mom called and is now disputing some of the things we've already agreed upon. So now, we have to return and go over the concerns again with the mediator. He's not...
  13. T

    Victory, for my son and I!

    After years of fighting tooth and nail, and ultimately, begging, just to see my son, I finally achieved what I've worked hard for... thanks to the help of the mediator, my friends, my family. I didn't get every other week, but instead, got 2 days out of the week + every other weekend. (which...
  14. T

    Meeting with mediator soon! Here are the questions...

    My goal is to get 50/50 shared parenting with my son. Having a say in where he goes to school, what doctor to see, signing his report card, etc. that's very important to me too, and if I get that, it's a victory. If the mediator should ask me how the day will go with my son, hr by hr, I have...
  15. T

    Meeting with mediator soon! Here are the questions...

    Yes, that's in there. Good looking out bro, and thank you. I edited, and finished the proposal to where it's as fair as (hopefully) it can be. Pretty sure she will agree to everything except, the every other week - shared parenting thing. If I get more than 4 days a week, along with...
  16. T

    Meeting with mediator soon! Here are the questions...

    It's just a template I grabbed from the intarweb, but it has what I think is, the fundamentals of what I am trying to achieve. The question about the Christmas vacation week, has me a little stumped. I think it's asking whether or not I would want to share that weekend, or split it up among...
  17. T

    Meeting with mediator soon! Here are the questions...

    5. Transportation -- children and belongings We shall arrive on time (no more than 10 minutes early or late) to drop off and pick up our child/ren. Because remembering is difficult for child/ren, we shall deliver our child/ren's clothing, school supplies, and belongings at the same time we...
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    Meeting with mediator soon! Here are the questions...

    I found the template, and this is the one I'm using.... If anyone has ever had to go through this, this advise... I'm looking for the best possible answers to these questions. I have donw my answers, but am looking for your personal opinions and views. Thank you...
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    Got bit on the face by a Brown Recluse Spider!

    My face has gotten better. A few days ago, I had a lump the size of a golfball on my face. Now, it just looks like Drew Bree's birth mark. :) ...which isn't too cool either. lol It may not have been a BRS... because my face is still intact, but I did get bitten by something, and my face...
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    Cheating on your Girlfriend - Tactics

    This is what I have learned... if you are looking for THE ONE, it's very hard to find her, if you are busy with others. Trust and believe, I know. Maybe it's just me, and I'm just stretching myself thin but, I've had the same 3-4 women in my life over the past 4 years, and I'm still looking...