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  1. Clockwerk50

    Girls Weekend away...

    I agree with everyone here. There is not much you can do but set her free for the week. The show might be in the other foot but she could miss you more and text you whatever shenanigans they are up to the whole trip. Not saying she won’t miss you if this doesn’t happen, but it could happen...
  2. Clockwerk50

    Men should stop chasing.

    There is a big difference between perusing and chasing. Look it up!
  3. Clockwerk50

    Caucasian and Latin girls with a nice hips-to-waist ratio and bubble butts?

    Stop it bro, you sound ignorant as hell.
  4. Clockwerk50

    Muslim Snapchat Girls

    I actually have a huge fetish for Muslim women. They make me feel like a white knight crusader that will free them from their oppression. A Che Guevara of some sort. I “dated” 2 afghani girls in the past. The first one was when I started talking to girls. She was starting college and I was...
  5. Clockwerk50

    Is it even worth it for a guy like me to try with making moves in-person?

    As French philosopher Albert Camus once said, “those who lack the courage will often find a philosophy to justify it”. Instead of some people confronting their fears or taking bold actions, they often create or adopt beliefs that excuse their lack of bravery. It is basically a coping mechanism...
  6. Clockwerk50

    Is it even worth it for a guy like me to try with making moves in-person?

    The way therapists work is not to get into an argumens with the patient. Their main goal is for their client to open up and rationalize their own conclusions while getting them to talk. As an example, if you would have gotten deeper with your psychologist in regards to why you are scared of...
  7. Clockwerk50

    Caucasian and Latin girls with a nice hips-to-waist ratio and bubble butts?

    Yea, most girls look like this:
  8. Clockwerk50

    Had an interesting albeit disappointing date tonight

    I know I am late but after hearing the story and looking at the girl’s pics, it looks like she is adamant in finding Chad and breaking her heart so that she can go around playing the victim. This whole charade was the eject button procedure in case the date did not work down. Sorry OP if it...
  9. Clockwerk50

    Caucasian and Latin girls with a nice hips-to-waist ratio and bubble butts?

    I would suggest going to Medellin if you want to go to Colombia. Women have a good chest to hip to waist to ratio, albeit sometimes fake. They also have fillers and eyebrows to give them that Kim Kardashian look on their face. My only critique is that some of them have ugly ass tattoos but I...
  10. Clockwerk50

    Fling advice

    I am actually interested how this story will continue. I know logically speaking, both of them will not snitch on each other since both of them have a ton to lose. I also read somewhere that in affairs one person eventually will go cold and then the other will pursue. Then the other goes cold...
  11. Clockwerk50

    Fling advice

    Wow, what happened?
  12. Clockwerk50

    Should i pursue a former crush who recently showed interest on social media?

    You got your answer. You made your move and she ignored you. Since women are always on your phone she already saw that you message her she just chose to not read your message. If she liked you she wouldn’t have hesitated to respond. Women like to toy with men that chase them hard. There is a...
  13. Clockwerk50

    Dinner Dates, Coffee, and Drinks

    What are you guys talking about during these dates? What frequency and what do you text them? Where are you meeting these girls? How forward are you? If she likes you you could take her to McDonald’s and she would continue being receptive towards your advances.
  14. Clockwerk50

    What do you guys thinking about meditation and accepting yourself?

    Try again, but say it with your chest and without crying
  15. Clockwerk50

    Dealing with dry spell

    Is this the famous ugly girl syndrome where the woman thinks she is entitled to Chad and waits for Chad and then finds out he is way out of her league? What I am trying to say there is no harm in entraining these women that are not HB10. Have standards but at the same time be realistic...
  16. Clockwerk50

    Is it even worth it for a guy like me to try with making moves in-person?

    Not to off-rail the topic but I can’t find a better spot to be said: I also ran out of the emotional and mental energy to help the Correctors of the world solve their issues. They do not have the initiative to go through the failures and battles of the daily grind and instead, come here for...
  17. Clockwerk50

    Is it even worth it for a guy like me to try with making moves in-person?

    Dude, please, ask your neighbour out. Do it for all the Sosuave members locked up in relationships right now lol
  18. Clockwerk50

    Picky chick says, "I don't like anything about any of the people I'm meeting, or talking to, or going on dates with"

    Colour me picky but I actually don’t think the girl in the timestamp is that pretty.