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  1. Clockwerk50

    Facing aggressions/disrespect from ppl when you're with your gf

    So they are like trailer park trash or hillbillies. Thanks!
  2. Clockwerk50

    Facing aggressions/disrespect from ppl when you're with your gf

    Why do people dislike them though? Is it because there are a large number of them in Europe, or is there another reason? The comment 'gypsies love to spit, they are disgusting thieves' gives the impression that they live under a bridge or something. I have never interacted with them, but has...
  3. Clockwerk50

    Facing aggressions/disrespect from ppl when you're with your gf

    What are gypsies? Are they homeless people or are they the nomads who travel with circuses?
  4. Clockwerk50

    Video: Chase Hughes (Government Brainwashing Expert) On How To Spot Lies & Influence Anyone

    Yea, he is a good strategist, but then he becomes a rabbit when CornBread asks him for receipts lol
  5. Clockwerk50

    2nd Worst Day

    I thought you just got a promotion. Isn't it a little early to make judgements about your new boss?
  6. Clockwerk50

    Girl pulled back after awesome dates / She is not texting anymore

    It’s hard to say. Perhaps you became too familiar to them—like they discovered everything about you—and while the relationship gained comfort, it may have lost the elements of fantasy, excitement, and erotic tension. Another possibility is that the relationship settled into a routine, and you...
  7. Clockwerk50

    Worth even bothering?

    Her profession and the field she works in are irrelevant. By not letting you go and giving you her number, she is clearly displaying a high level of interest. Essentially, she is signaling that she is open to you pursuing her and that, eventually, she might be willing to share intimacy with you...
  8. Clockwerk50

    Is Sydney Sweeney telling the Truth about Glenn Powell?

    I did, and you were in my thoughts, since your presence lingers, even when you are not around <3
  9. Clockwerk50

    Hard time holding onto a woman

    Hi @GoodMan32 I see what you're saying, but I feel like the majority of the methods in this thread were already covered in your "More Than a One-Night Stand" topic. These two threads seem to overlap by about 95%, especially since we've already discussed the dynamics of women losing interest...
  10. Clockwerk50

    Thanksgiving Eve

    I always thought Thanksgiving was a time to spend with family and watch football. It would have been ludicrous to leave my family that Thursday night to go party with my friends. The same goes for Christmas. I can understand being successful during the winter months, like Halloween, New Year's...
  11. Clockwerk50

    Asking a woman out for a specific day... Bad idea?

    How is your abundance mindset? It sounds like you're looking for a fail-proof way to make her do whatever you want, no matter what that is.
  12. Clockwerk50

    Hard time holding onto a woman

    Hi @GoodMan32, Wasn't all the necessary information for building longer relationships already covered in your "More Than a One-Night Stand" topic? Best regards, Clockwerk50
  13. Clockwerk50

    Moments of Pure Terror

    There were many moments of terror when I was living in my hometown, which was once known as the murder capital of the world during the time when Pablo Escobar was the biggest kingpin. There was always the looming threat of a car bomb, a gunfight, or hearing about someone who died from a stray...
  14. Clockwerk50

    Blazing (swipe app)

    How hot were they? Are you sure the app wasn’t spamming bots in order to take your money?
  15. Clockwerk50

    Blazing (swipe app)

    Lol OP is going to end up in Grindr soon.
  16. Clockwerk50

    Women and their Friends

    Maybe the well is dry. It reminds me of the times when I used to go to nightclubs with my friends. Some girls would prefer talking to one of them instead of me, and either they would hook up with my friend or the opportunity would fizzle out. I found that I was more successful when I went alone...
  17. Clockwerk50

    The noticeable differences between Nordic women and American women

    As I’ve mentioned before, I believe the feminist movement is either an overblown reaction or a myth. If a woman finds a man attractive, they may drop certain values or rules for him. Additionally, many Colombian women share the same complaints about American men who pursue the 'passport bro'...