I absolutely deny all of this. Crowley's specialty (and his greatest laugh) was speaking in allegory. He loved to confuse the weak-minded and brainwashed to believe he was the actual "Beast". So, to say you've done your research into Occultism, I say you're just as learned as the "ur" dude a...
Oh, the "woe-is-me" syndrome. Because you're lazy, I have to do all of the leg-work for you? I already gave you the answers numbnut. The re-written Bible has removed those specific references, which is why I referred you to the Dead Sea Scrolls. I suppose, like a Priest cramming his rod deep...
You need to be face-fvcked the information by everyone because your'e too lazy to look it up yourself?
Here are a few for you to choke on: Romans 1:26–27, 1 Corinthians 6:9–10, and 1 Timothy 1:9–10. A fourth passage, Jude 1:7, is often interpreted as referring to homosexuality. Matthew 19:4-6...
I answered you. The Bible explicitly states, in a number of passages, that Jesus laid with men. What is specifically does not say, is that he ever laid with a woman.
This from a devout Anglican Priest should clear any misleadings:
"Jesus was a Hebrew rabbi. Unusually, he was unmarried. The...
Like every other sheep who quotes the Bible as gospel, you haven't taken the time to read the damned thing. The Bible is completely allegorical. Everything is hearsay. Only the parts you "wish" to be real are "real". Homosexuality was rampant in the Middle East during the time of the latest...
Brother DISH, good to see you're still wandering amongst us. In reference to your post (If I misconstrue I apologize), my reality is my own. Just as yours and everyone else. I know what happened and it's not the strangest thing to have happened to me.
To the ignorant and unitiated, it would, on the surface, appear he was speaking on human sacrifice. What he's referring to is masturbation. The sacrifice of his semen. Sex Magick is one of our founding principles and a short-cut to activating latent circuitry in our nervous systems.
The Roman Catholic church bought the rights to Christianity. Like Disney just bought the rights to everything entertainment, the Catholics have absorbed every bit of the mystique and legend that is Jesus Christ. Any orthodox religious organization calling itself Christian is immediately...
You're an idiot. If the Most High was real he wouldn't allow HIS priests to put their fingers in little boys' a$$es every Sunday at mass.
Your God is the myth everyone hides behind to shield them from their own desires and guilt. Obviously you haven't read your own Bible. Read the passage in...
"Magick isn't something you do, it's something we are." Donald Michael Kraig
I've been a Magickian since I can recall. As a matter of fact, I was ushered to The Path when I met mine Holy Guardian Angel at the age of twelve. Here's how this meeting transpired: I had always been curious about the...
He dedicated an entire podcast to his dismay at me. Called me "Kahma-Dooda".
Altogether not a bad guy but he and I didn't see eye-to-eye on the paradigm of relationships and seduction.
JesusthefvckbastardChrist. An entire dissertation in defense of biting the pillow. I guess you're right in this one instance. White Knights always have a Conqueror behind them, cheeks spread wide open, that little pucker gaping ready to take every inch.
Who can take you seriously after an admittance like this! You gargle with MANoynnaise (and probably swallow that too), your breath smells suspiciously like a sweaty sac, but you consider yourself the epitome of masculinity?
Say what you want about me you farm fairy, but you've just come-out of...
Being an openly homo-erotic slag to Nickelback's cat-fvcking "sound" is rebellion enough for the rest of your life.
Pure, unabashed, nonsense. Do you understand why a standard is held in high-regard? Because it's been tested, re-tested, then done again and again until any doubt is wiped away...
Obviously you and the You'reapeein' share the same plight. He sucks d!cks, but proclaims he's "all man". If you're going to write something so blatantly silly, you're going to be seen, and remembered, as an idiot.
I'm one of the very few who have the sac to post myself publicly you fvcking...
Once you've become an acquaintance, perhaps. But when you first meet someone you develop an opinion of that person based solely on their initial appearance, before the first word escapes their lips. Say you're from somewhere else, like certain spots in Europe, where douchebaggery is rampant and...
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