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    BPD HB7 slut wants me

    If she is BPD she can and will manipulate you. It is what they do. It is how they live. She's been doing it all her life. It doesn't matter whether she's smart or not. She has acquired the needed skill. It's like driving a car to her. A moron can drive a car. Years and years of doing this will...
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    Spooning. is it ok?

    Do you think in binary code?
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    Life after a Border Line Personality Disorder Fiance??

    There are loads of succes stories. The single most important factor is examining your own feelings. You're going to have to define them. As soon as you define them, you can do something about them. It is tough work and you're going to have to face your weaknesses. By God, it's not fun. But if...
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    I wish I could go back...

    And you just randomly saw how awful we were and decided to register, just so you could protect your friend?
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    I wish I could go back...

    You don't get laid, because you're an annoying idiot, who, rather than accept the advice he asked for, comes up with these inane conspiracy theories to disprove and slander the people he asked for help in the first place. You have zero to offer to women, but instead of improving, you try to...
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    Life after a Border Line Personality Disorder Fiance??

    What you're saying has been said a billion times before. Borderlines go for people with codependent traits. AFC's as you call it, have these traits. If you're in a relationship with a borderline, something is wrong with you. Nonetheless, BPD still exists.
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    low sex drive

    Your girl is screwing with you, mate.
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    Life after a Border Line Personality Disorder Fiance??

    That is not what BPD is. Also, just so you know, BPD is far from a rare mental disorder. It is one of the most, if not the most, common personality disorder affecting an incredible number of girls. BPD relationships all follow the exact same pattern and the last thing one would associate with...
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    **** has been going on for too long... My ex girlfriend

    No, you're stalking her by asking people where she's been, what she has done and what she has said. You're a very creepy little fellow. And Johnny offered you the link for a reason. READ IT. Then apply it to your own situation. You are being toyed with and although it is amusing, you come here...
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    Whoever cares the least has the power

    Isn't she a stripper?
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    The "Anabolic Ratio", Its Importance, and You

    Yes. That is all true. And I don't contend that. However it is not your body thinking it needs to be stronger because there is suddenly a bigger force of gravity. That's where you're wrong. The gravity never changed.
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    How to: second sex friend

    A religiois reasons. I get that. Religioin is very important. Moron.
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    If only I could get a girl like this

    No, she couldn't. She is so far out there that she doesn't even grasp the reality most of us live in. You need some sort of connection to be thought of as funny. It's what a lot of comedians do: they either create a sort of "yeah right? I get that too" moment or do something completely opposite...
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    The "Anabolic Ratio", Its Importance, and You

    That is utter bull****. Gravity pulls you down. In a deadlift you pull stuff up. You still get stronger. By your reasoning you could only get stronger by doing bench presses and squats. The body grows, because it thinks it needs to get stronger. That is it.
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    The "Anabolic Ratio", Its Importance, and You

    As long as you don't have any back issues, that's fine I guess. McGill says you shouldn't train in the morning though as it's more stressful on your back. And he's pretty much the best in his field, so I go with his advice. In any case, working out is better than not working out.
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    If only I could get a girl like this

    We create these women, you know. Of course at some point she has also chosen to become this monster. But her delusions? Yeah, that's what happens when you tell every kid in kindergarten they're "special". Couple that with guys who are apparently willing to do just about anyone and this is what...
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    Anabolic steroids and Football

    You could also write on the possible downsides. For example: does the use of steroids carry a bigger risk for an ACL rupture? I could imagine a player doing steroids and then doing only half squats instead of full squats, because that way he can add more pounds to his squat. He'd very quickly...
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    Love + Sex = ?

    It is hormones, in part. The problem is that, in a time where everyone can see the life of others, people are always jealous of what seems to be a bigger, better love. Truth is what you describe is infatuation. After a while this might die down. Nonetheless, love can remain. It's just that we...
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    "Im down to hang out but strictly plutonic"

    Not true. The way to that is making people think they still have a chance. So she wouldn't say that. Truth be told, it looks as if she's being sincere, but she's not. A sincere woman would say "I am sorry, but I have no interest in dating you, we can be friends". This one says "we can hang out...