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    Covid – 19 concerns, and her ex is back in the picture. Advice please

    I understand the other points. Why is this too much fcking?
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    Women and anxiety

    My ex had a ton of anxiety. She was a high achiever. Had her PhD in chemistry. She is a brilliant woman, but she was an anxious mess. I found the best way for me to help her with it was to listen to her and ask questions. I found that giving advice and reassuring that everything will be alright...
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    Being a PT as a side-hustle?

    This seems right up my alley. Two of my goals for this year are to start getting my resume out to different companies and to start looking for new places I would like to live. I didn't even think about the CAPM option. I am going to look into this a little a bit and see what I need to do to get...
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    Being a PT as a side-hustle?

    I am working as a project manager for a building material supplier. I worked my way up from sweeping the floor. I am now at the point where I want to start looking for new job opportunities. I had not really considered getting a CAPM, but now want to start looking into it. Did you get yours...
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    Can someone explain why I feel this way?

    I like being within my dream girl
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    would you sleep with woman infected with covid if you were desperate

    Not if I knew about it. I still go into my office everyday. I don't want to risk spreading it to my colleagues / ware house guys / installers and have people need to go into 14 day quarantine.
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    Bumble Gold

    I recently got out of a LTR. I feel like I am learning how to date again. Before this COVID I was going on 2-3 dates a week from OLD, which was too much for me. I've had a few ONS, one woman that I had multiple hook ups with. Like an idiot I dropped her when I met a different woman who I was all...
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    Bumble Gold

    So not worth the trouble
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    Is she signaling for a relationship?

    Is it smart to agree to exclusivity this quickly?
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    Bumble Gold

    This is why I have been staying of off OLD for the moment. I'm newly single and don't really have any plates right now, so its kind of lonely. I was thinking it would be worth it if you could get her to masturbate in front of cam for you. Not sure how many women would do this.
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    Wtf, those guys needed better friends and parents or something. Someone should have slapped the **** out of all of them. What was with the girl's older brother? I cant imagine how there baby is going to turn out.
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    Messed up early with this chick, salvageable or move on?

    Her giving you the cheek could be taken as a sign that she is not romantically interested.
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    reentered the dating word - rookie question

    I'm right there with you on this. Just got out of a LTR. I'm trying to get back into the game. Bam the country is shut down.