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  1. Plinco

    "How to fix a crazy girlfriend"
  2. Plinco

    The almost tragic truth about guys that end up being successful at cold approach.

    Not hard to figure out. Conceptually, value is what sustains life. When you interact with someone, what kinds of values do you get from that person? What values are he or she getting from you?
  3. Plinco

    The almost tragic truth about guys that end up being successful at cold approach.

    To be blunt OP doesn't think much of us so I'll give you my answer. These are the two convictions I have: 1.) Your interactions should provide value to other people, so they should be both self serving but also serving to others, and; 2.) You should have no fear whatsoever. Fear drives bad...
  4. Plinco

    Guys who have used Seeking Arrangements and done Sugar dating, experiences?

    You know what, I might experiment with that site and use OP's suggestions to filter out the wh0res. I'll report back my findings.
  5. Plinco

    Plinco's cold approach journal

    I haven't done many cold approaches in the last few months. I just did one this afternoon and the conversation didn't go badly. It ended politely with each of us wishing the other a nice evening. she was a 7.5/10 by my standards, which translates into a 9.5/10 by most of your guy's standards haha
  6. Plinco

    The almost tragic truth about guys that end up being successful at cold approach.

    I think I can answer this question myself but I am waiting for OP's answer.
  7. Plinco

    I tested my testosterone levels

    I feel like crap and don't have the energy I used to. I'm 39. I'm pretty sure it is stress related though. I'll bet that my levels will go back up in a matter of a few weeks. I'm going to get tested again to make sure though. I'm not looking to get TRT. In fact I'm trying to avoid that as...
  8. Plinco

    I tested my testosterone levels

    It's not low according to those reference ranges, but my total and free levels are low for my preferences.
  9. Plinco

    I tested my testosterone levels

    I just realized that I have low T levels. I'm going to change a few things and get tested again.
  10. Plinco

    The almost tragic truth about guys that end up being successful at cold approach.

    @Jesse Pinkman What's the essence of being socially adjusted?
  11. Plinco

    What are these gals independent of?

    That's basically what I think it is too. Some people are psychologically independent. It takes a lot of hard work to get there.
  12. Plinco

    Russian Coup in progress?!?

    I have contacts in Russia and I was surprised when they told me that they were not worried about it.
  13. Plinco

    What are these gals independent of?

    I agree with most of what you said. This is also well said.
  14. Plinco

    What are these gals independent of?

    OP, first of all we need clarification for your sake. Dependency is the internalization of an outside authority. If you produce something of value, and use that to exchange other values that people have, that's a function of independence. Psychological independence is as a result of being...
  15. Plinco

    Is it possible to find this type of girl, where to look?

    @DreamAgain Just go out there and do it man. There's lots of girls out there, just approach what you like intelligently and if the woman is dysfunctional then start correcting her behavior. If a dysfunctional woman is not willing to be corrected by you, then dump her. If you think she's too...
  16. Plinco

    Why is Ayn Rand an exception?

    Most of this thread is going off topic. The questions are, are women capable of thinking rationally and independently, and if so, why do the vast majority of women don't? The business that I started took a lot of hard work for years before I started making good money, but I knew the risks and...
  17. Plinco

    Why is Ayn Rand an exception?

    I think that's a part of what goes on when you discuss this with other men. I've had this discussion with a former member who has a lot of experience, but he interprets what he as experienced into a per-fabricated worldview, so this in turn leads him to interpret that a woman who doesn't think...
  18. Plinco

    Why is Ayn Rand an exception?

    +1 for keeping on topic.