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  1. SteR

    What's the one thing that disappoints you about this board (from a thread/posting pov)

    I don't buy this.. who are these "real men"? Like @Solomon mentioned earlier in this thread, the guys that seem to be going MGTOW are typically losers. You can understand immediately from watching/interacting with them why they're in that position. I mean don't get me wrong, I get it: They're...
  2. SteR

    Abundance Mentality is a wishful thinking crutch for the needy.

    Don't worry, I'm joking around. I just found it funny how quickly it turned to your photos ;)
  3. SteR

    Abundance Mentality is a wishful thinking crutch for the needy.

    I'm late to this thread and click directly on the last page link.. only to find pictures of Neil posting his women again? Seriously...
  4. SteR

    Online Woman Are Immoral Scum Bags!!

    If you want to argue that as a human being I create suffering by attachment then that's fine, I can understand that.. but I'm not a Buddhist monk, nor do I want to be. I see nothing wrong with demanding my partner to be loyal, nor do I intend to "work on myself" to change that.
  5. SteR

    Online Woman Are Immoral Scum Bags!!

    Sorry, but I am not sharing my woman with anyone else. I also don't buy this whole "be comfortable with yourself being a slob" - that sounds like what these fat feminists say about being proud and fat. I've been out of shape, and I've been in phenomenal shape.. and I know which one got me better...
  6. SteR

    Progress Report - 8 months at the Gym compared to 6 months

    I'm not as big as I used to be, nor as strict with my diet. I was a chubby kid so went too far in the opposite direction when I got into lifting, to the point of obsession. I think that's the reason I'm a bit more relaxed about it now.. that phase has passed..
  7. SteR

    Progress Report - 8 months at the Gym compared to 6 months

    That's a ridiculous statement. It's all relative.
  8. SteR

    Progress Report - 8 months at the Gym compared to 6 months

    6'3, 215. I'm hovering around ~12% right now
  9. SteR

    Progress Report - 8 months at the Gym compared to 6 months

    Haha I know my hormones are changing, but it doesn't really bother me.. I have to age whether I like it or not
  10. SteR

    Progress Report - 8 months at the Gym compared to 6 months

    Been taking fish oil most of my adult life, and yea it helps, but there's no way my joints can handle the weights of my youth any more...
  11. SteR

    Progress Report - 8 months at the Gym compared to 6 months

    How are your joints just out of interest? You're in your 40s right? I'm only 33 and already have tonnes of issues (but I've been lifting since I was 15)
  12. SteR

    Online Woman Are Immoral Scum Bags!!

    Look at that thread @backbreaker posted the other day about the woman involved with his brother - that's a perfect example right there (in short she got hooked on drugs and ended up committing suicide).
  13. SteR

    Online Woman Are Immoral Scum Bags!!

    This sounds like a result of the individual's actions. If that person was a nasty piece of work then why do you think nobody comes to visit?
  14. SteR

    Online Woman Are Immoral Scum Bags!!

    I disagree.. but I realise this comes down to your subjective values. If someone wants to live purely for themselves, then so be it. But the people I know who do that have very few real friends. I guess what I'm saying is yes, I agree that we should be true to ourselves, but for me being on good...
  15. SteR

    Online Woman Are Immoral Scum Bags!!

    Exactly. You start behaving like a d!ck 24/7 and we'll see how the world reacts to you...
  16. SteR

    what happens later for womeN?

    Both my parents have a few siblings each. I've paid attention to the women that never married (out of curiosity) and I hate to say I've seen this in my family: Both my mother and father have unmarried siblings who have spent their later lives alone and they've all fallen apart. Not one of them...
  17. SteR

    So the market sucks?

    Stopped reading here. The market doesn't suck: POF sucks.
  18. SteR

    Is This Guy Alpha?

    But that's pretty much what I was saying in my earlier posts.. and it's not necessarily dependent on financial wealth/status. I mean you can argue it is dependent on status but that status is subjective.
  19. SteR

    Is This Guy Alpha?

    Yea that's what I've always thought too. I hate using the term 'alpha', it seems almost cartoonish.. but it's a term used so often that it feels necessary to use. Plus I don't think it really matters in one-on-one relationships: I think that's what the masculine mindset is all about. Alpha just...
  20. SteR

    Is This Guy Alpha?

    I don't think there's anything negative to know about him... at least no more than any other professional sportsman. I think the issue I'm trying to get at is that just because you have a very in demand skill, it doesn't make you an alpha male. Again, I'm just going by what I interpret it to...