Search results

  1. Dingo

    article: Ugly, creepy guys!

    Dang !... Don't be an short, fat balding ugly guy... lol
  2. Dingo

    Help with bpd exwife

    Crazy ex wife ?.... Have your attorney do all the talking.
  3. Dingo

    What Post on Here Changed Your Life?

    I got a lot of reading to do... Thanks.
  4. Dingo

    How do you heal a broken heart?

    Hey OP... Wanna know something ? Sometimes you never heal.
  5. Dingo

    Ignored someone in public after being ghosted

    You want awkward ?... Try ignoring someone at work... You got no choice... Emotions trapped inside.... Wounds being open again and again. The price to pay I guess.... Lol
  6. Dingo

    Purpose of Life?

    Ahhh.. the existential crisis hits... You think things look dim now ?... just wait until your in your 50's.... lol Truthfully... In the end it doesn't even matter...
  7. Dingo

    She'll get married soon and I got invited.

    Thinking about going to the wedding of your cheating ex and the guy she cheated with ? F#@K THAT !
  8. Dingo

    Please help me restart my life in late 30s

    You have the right attitude... You'll do just fine. You're not the first person to have gone thorough what you're going through. There a bunch of good guys here to help you along the way. Just don't get sucked into some of the drama that pops up from time to time. Use the Search icon and...
  9. Dingo

    Datung advice for women what do you think?

    Feminist heads exploding everywhere....
  10. Dingo

    College is arguably one of the toughest times in your life to pull hot girls.

    I guess it depends on when you went to college.... I did just fine but didn't have the world wide interweb to compete with.
  11. Dingo

    article from 1960: "Men Without Women"

    Interesting article. How many of the single men were in real need of psychiatric help... We see that here from time to time.
  12. Dingo

    Where did it go wrong?

    That has to be the most cringeworthy text convo I have read on this forum.... She dodged a bullet...
  13. Dingo

    in hot water

    No response is the best response.
  14. Dingo

    Do I Need to Drink and Do Drugs to get Party Girls?

    Best not to indulge but if you do know your limit and enjoy the party scene. ALWAYS be in control.
  15. Dingo

    Should i no contact forever?

    Because the only way possible she can have sex with you is drunk. Keeping eye... Thinking troll.
  16. Dingo

    Alpha centric books

    Not wizardry..... Just Enlightenment. Here you go easy to read PDF..
  17. Dingo

    Girlfriend who drinks

    Crazy thing about alcohol... Two drinks and she's awesome... Three and she is the ****ing devil.... Amounts and reactions may vary... at different times...