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  1. F

    I know, it's terrible: I think she's THE ONE

    Please repeat this in your head until you realize how stupid it sounds to everyone else. "I've been casually dating a girl for 2 months and I think she must be THE one, the most compatible girl for me I will ever find". I tried to make things work with my highschool sweetheart when I moved...
  2. F

    Thinking quicker on your feet

    I had the same problem when I started approaching women about a year or two ago, still do on occasion. Experience is the only real cure. When I was starting out I was pretty into MysteryMethod and stuff and basically memorized like 100 different combacks or conversation starters for any...
  3. F

    Mystery's show on VH1 [Merged Threads]

    From wikipedia about the lawsuit Mystery Is Sued By Mystery Method Corporation In October 2006, Erik von Markovik and associates are alleged to have improperly accessed Mystery Method Corporation accounts and transferred the domain name to his personal possession. He has...