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  1. H

    When A Girl Says Your Not Her Type

    "You're not either" *Smile* "Goodbye"
  2. H

    "Hey, youre cute"

    Asides from just plainly accepting it, whats the most interesting way to accept a compliment?
  3. H

    "Hey do you know much about nintendo wii?" Text - to bother responding?

    "I have (one/something better) at home, want to try it out?"
  4. H

    The "Zero Eye Contact" opener

    Please continue
  5. H

    Advice on first date situation

    It seems like she is on the search for the d, not a vag. Good luck with your adventure, and don't btch out.
  6. H

    How To deal with Dominance, quick question

    You let that person know that you are the best god damn thing alive that can do that said action. If he knows you're good at it, he will rely on you, and that is when you know you have dominated the higher up. Civilians have the right to deny searches and questioning unless the officer has a...
  7. H

    Having a low moment, need an outside opinion

    I might think you're becoming infatuated. In my opinion, two weeks is a short amount of time when it comes to liking someone. I'm assuming from all of the tips and articles in the bible, they teach you to spark interest, but not actually get the chance to actually know what she's like. All I...
  8. H

    How to deal with jealousy?

    I always try to ignore it, stay relaxed and move on with my life. That's how things should be like anyway, focus on my life, and my life only. If she feels like she's too good for it, then I let her go. I constantly improve everyday, while she turns into a life sucking leech, who apparently...
  9. H

    wait_out's wave theory

    Now I understand why women are constantly symbolized as oceans