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  1. M

    Opinions on this I said to her RIGHT after SEX...

    Hey Reykhel. Thanks for your thoughts on this one. I agree with you, and all the people that have told me that I overthink, sure I got to work towards making my mind and life simpler. Curiosly thats one of our mottos "Easy does it" and "make it simple"... I know that being simple, bold and...
  2. M

    Can you give me opinions on what I did wrong?

    Before you start to read, i wanna make clear that English is not my native language... Ok lets go! Story started like this....I met this girl at a party, had a nice conversation me, my wingman (beta) her and her friend. I displayed right alpha qualities, being the leader of the conversation...
  3. M

    Opinions on this I said to her RIGHT after SEX...

    Before you start to read, i wanna make clear that English is not my native language... Ok lets go! Story started like this....I met this girl at a party, had a nice conversation me, my wingman (beta) her and her friend. I displayed right alpha qualities, being the leader of the conversation...
  4. M

    Learning to live

    Learning to live