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  1. GrayWolf76

    Dealing with younger girls and testing/challenging

    Personally I think this girl would be a good girl to practice your **** test responses with. She seems awkward but trying to discover her way.
  2. GrayWolf76

    Why do you think feminists hate sexbots so much?

    Anti-male feminists can only wine and scream and complain and moan about things men do. They don't matter on any real level and I think even most women think these man haters are a joke.They are the same ones who complain about female characters in video games. You can really just tune them out...
  3. GrayWolf76

    Dumper deleting ex off of social media...

    Depends how close you were. I have some past gfs on my FB and I add girls pretty often. If its mutually totally over and there is no baggage then I don't remove them. For serious ones and bad breakups or ones you or she needs time to get over, definitely block/unfriend her and unfriend her...
  4. GrayWolf76

    Why am I a indifferent loner who can't show affection?

    It could be a number of things depending on you. Most women have a need for this kind of affection and some have more need than others. Some people are touchers, like public affection and constant hugs and kissing and cuddling. If you don't like it at all it could be just the way you are, it...
  5. GrayWolf76

    How do YOU respond to an argumentive girl

    Some great strategies here. I take it pretty simple with argumentative women because I like to have clear decision points on what I do. I've found that this only really comes out when they feel "safe" to argue with you but loses attraction for you and starts to test. I give them a little leeway...
  6. GrayWolf76

    BPD haunting me from the grave – now my career is at stake. What to do?

    Good luck to you. I know what its like to be with an emotionally abusive BPD to the extent that it affects your employment and general mental health. My marriage to a BPD ended less than a year ago and she already remarried to her next source. I was a total ******* for months and I own my own...
  7. GrayWolf76

    Another question for the old vets...about "vetting"

    "Vetting" women is a great idea in theory. We typically come up with these concepts of vetting women after being burned in some kind of long term relationship. We base this need for vetting on the most recent failure and then we tend to lump all past failures in with the one so prescient in our...