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  1. A

    Performance anxiety and maintaining frame afterwards

    Urghh, my problem has come back! After a month or so of confident sex, I can't seem to be be able to get it up again with a new girl. She absolutely blows my mind and I would like things to go well. It's 3 nights now we haven't had sex - I've had a semi each night but struggle to be erect...
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    Letting go of that one girl/oneitis

    It really pains me to be writing this but I cannot get over this one girl. We dated a couple of months ago and she broke it off, at the time I thought "oh well, it happens, move on". I did move on and I've slept with a few other women since and have what I would describe as a gf right now...
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    Performance anxiety and maintaining frame afterwards

    I'm not worried about pleasing her - she came several times from foreplay. I know in my mind I can please her. I was raised with the idea that sex is a huge deal and that it represents a lot and sex ed didn't help this view at all. At university, I rejected sex several times because I didn't...
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    Performance anxiety and maintaining frame afterwards

    Still having problems with this. Met a new girl and we've been back to my place/hers twice. Both times we've ended with fingering/hj and oral because I lose the erection between foreplay and penetration despite being rock hard during foreplay. I was really horny but just lose it. I'm not...
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    How to stop being needy/insecure/awkward etc?

    The past year has been great for me, my success with women has sky rocketed, my self esteem has increased massively and I have had more sexual partners than in all my previous years combined. However, I am an emotional person and suffer from generalised anxiety disorder (which usually causes me...
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    Women putting you in the potential boyfriend category?

    Having read around a lot, particularly on the website girlschase, I have learned about a theory that it is possible to be too good of a prospect to a woman and they see you as a potential boyfriend, rather than a lover. This leads them to wait to have sex so you don't judge them and in this...
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    Interest went from 9/10 to 0/10 in a few hours

    I need to vent and I realise that this is very AFC but I am just so frustrated. I had this great girl: HB9, confident, intelligent and a host of other great qualities. Her interest level was so high: she was suggesting going on holiday and showed that she really liked me - I ran a very solid...
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    Performance anxiety and maintaining frame afterwards

    I think this is partially true - we went on 4 dates and for the first 3 I wasn't that excited. She had high interest in me and was a solid 9/10 and I was therefore keen to keep it going. The 4th date, however, felt a little different and I did genuinely fancy her more than previously...
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    Performance anxiety and maintaining frame afterwards

    I'm not gonna start taking Viagra/Cialis unless this becomes a really frequent problem - I'd prefer to take my time and get it right. I'm only 23. In the past few months I've had two very short relationships that ended with me being friendzoned and whilst difficult to deal with at the time...
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    Performance anxiety and maintaining frame afterwards

    Thank you everyone for your help and suggestions. Unfortunately things didn't work out with the girl - we had some wonderful dates and built a great level of emotional chemistry, but I guess that sexual intimacy and physical chemistry wasn't quite there and this caused her to lose romantic...
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    Building a sexual connection/creating lust

    I have had a major revelation in the past few days - that rarely in my life I have felt a high lust between myself and a partner - the feeling is often mutual and perhaps why I often end up dating girls multiple times, having sex with very few and basically never enjoying the sex. I have...
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    Performance anxiety and maintaining frame afterwards

    I'd like a little help in how to play this next. This is a girl I actually do really like and whilst I will keeping seeing others I'm been to keep it going. She was 100% ok with the performance anxiety and said "there's always next time". The trouble was I acted insecure afterwards and said a...
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    Performance anxiety and maintaining frame afterwards

    Performance anxiety has been a bit a problem for in the past: I'm an inexperienced guy with her few partners. About half of my sexual encounters have involved some form of ED to varying degrees. Last night I could not get it up with a girl who I really like and I've seen a few times. I'm the...
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    Join me on the quest for nofap 2016

    I went from August to late December, roughly 130 days, without porn and I could see a difference. Even if it was placebo, I felt better, it doesn't matter. I watched about 10 times in the past couple of weeks though due to stress with a work project but now that is finished I'm looking for...
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    Interesting signals from chick - how to escalate when negative body language

    2nd date last night with this girl. Much more open and I was much more forward. The result was that we spent most of the night with out tongues down each others throats. She had work early this morn so we didn't stay out too late and hence no sex. But I am delighted with how forward I was and...
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    Getting yourself back to a girl's place

    I currently live at home with my mum. We live far from the city and bringing a girl back to mine is not really an option logistically. I date chicks in the city and they are typically students who live close to the city. I can build attraction ok and most of my dates end with make outs. My...
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    Interesting signals from chick - how to escalate when negative body language

    Ok, interesting approach, will try this out.
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    Interesting signals from chick - how to escalate when negative body language

    Just back from a date with a girl - a few of you may remember my last thread about how we couldn't meet for two-three weeks. Anyway, we met tonight. A little about me: new to the dating scene (this year), learning how to build attraction - can always pretty much guarantee kissing a girl but...
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    What to do if a girl has to go on a trip or something before she can meet up?

    I know what OP is talking about. Right now I have 3 girls from tinder whose numbers I got last week but they are all going to their home cities for Christmas (they are at university in my city). They're not back until January so the chance of meeting them is slim. I guess you gotta find other girls.
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    She counter offered but for 2 weeks later

    Just to update on this: I have arranged a date with her for Sunday. I had a little chit chat with her over whatsapp on friday but without too much substance. Just maintaining the contact, which was sufficient.