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  1. X

    too good looking?

    HAHA. That is crazy bro. What I believe is my (as well as yours it seems) external vibe is a source of sexual lust for women. We're feeding or oozing out chunks of masculinity to people, and for girls this would equate to sexual lust. If your good-looking and have CONFIDENCE cause you know...
  2. X

    too good looking?

    I can relate to what you guys are saying. I have a very strong presence, and people get very agitated when I'm around them (girls and guys). I always hear that I look like Al Pacino or like I came right out of a mafia movie. I'm 20 years old btw. I've observed some things and was...
  3. X

    Hahahahaha ... you gotta read this

    It makes sense, but what is your reasoning behind this?
  4. X

    How did I do?

    Hey guys, I have a quick question as to how I did with a girl. I’m in college, and I frequent a computer lab upstairs from a main cafeteria. Anyways, there is this girl, 9HB who I usually see there. I’ve never had any friends that were girls, so I didn’t know what to go up and say to her...
  5. X

    It's lonely on the pedestal...

    I agree with what your saying, but come on bro, for guys the PROS outweigh the CONS by 100:1. If you are 99% that you make people (guys and girls) get intimidated JUST upon eye contact, then you pretty much have the world in your hands. You will be seen as one of the "elite males" (with...
  6. X

    It's lonely on the pedestal...

    How the fyck is this a bad thing if girls are drooling over you? If you are as hot as you say you are, then why don't you just chat with these "not so worthy" girls and make them your friends. They might know other people who could be more "bangable" or "worthy" of your approval :rolleyes...