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  1. F

    girl takes my number instead of giving me hers

    Not so fast, This happened to me once and I DID get a call back. She called me like a week later and we went on several dates since... You will know within 2 weeks... Goodluck.
  2. F

    14 years older than me. HELP!!!

    how old are you and how old is she? This will give us something to work with. When I was 20, I dated a 34 year old for a few months.
  3. F

    Quitting smoking

    Out of curiosity, how many DJ's here smoke? Recently I have noticed that smoking is becoming a big turn off to women and this trend seems to be growing. I want to quit (not for women, but for myself)... what do you all think about smoking and field reports?
  4. F

    The importance of shoes...

    Lately I have been following fashion and brands more than in the past... stuff like prada, versace, diesel, gucci, etc. Yes people take notice of what you wear, and yes you attract golddiggers this way.