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  1. M

    Sartre and the art of being yourself

    Holding back because of the fear of others is deffinetly selling your self short. And I agree, that is not being yourself. It is almost like Sartre's "bad faith". In which people refuse to believe they are truly free to make their own choices and instead they put into religous beliefs, fate...
  2. M

    Sartre and the art of being yourself

    But if one modifies himself for a goal (say sex) by adapting himself to what he thinks a girl will want, he is doing it by himself. It may or may not be wrong, but he still made the conscious decession to do so. Only he is in charge of his life and what he shows as himself
  3. M

    Sartre and the art of being yourself

    But, as long as its "You think she wants..." that is your own perceptions on things. Even if you change because she told you too, you would still be yourself, but it becomes a moral question. (Is it right to change because she told me to? The answer is no.)
  4. M

    Sartre and the art of being yourself

    So everybody through out my entire life has told me to be myself, but today I came across an interesting theory from existentialist philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre. It goes like this: Because we are aware of ourselves, we can never be completely ourselves, and instead we only play at ebing...
  5. M

    Interesting situation, would like some input

    Sorry man. Cut your losses and move on.
  6. M

    Running Joke

    vroom vroom!! Yeah that is a good tip. I've used it a couple times myself. I just cant remember any examples.
  7. M

    How do I get a religous girl? experts

    Re: Awesome!!! Why do I sense sarcasm? :rolleyes: I shouldnt be given crap because I am new here for christs sake. I came here to learn not to get ripped on.
  8. M

    How do I get a religous girl? experts

    I am very new to DJing, but one man I have been following is Giacomi Casanova. This is what I think he would do in this situation. He would learn about her religion and talk to her about it and through that become closer to her.