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  1. S

    Should i try to get her back?

    another update alright ive been staying strong i havent called her or replied to her text messages... she called me yesterday at about 5 and i answered, talked for about 30 seconds and i told her id have to give her a call back later because i was on my way out with my friends.. i didnt call...
  2. S

    Should i try to get her back?

    update Alright so i followed your guys advice and stopped talking to her.. ive completly ignored her last 2 calls and texts.. but im not gettin those sad crying " i miss you" messages was hoping for... any advice on stepping up the game to another level?
  3. S

    first call jitters

    i didnt even know this was possible but im way too nervous to call this girl.. i got some good advice on my last thread so i was hoping for some more.. i just broke up with my girlfriend recently so im just gettin back in the game.. anyways i went out with my buddies the other night (thursday)...
  4. S

    Should i try to get her back?

    Wow guys thats some strong stuff.. i really appreciate all of the advice you guys have given me! im definately gonna apply it to my situation... oh and last man i was only the 2nd guy shes been with sexually so she wasnt a virgin but about as far away from a ***** as possible haha, im definately...
  5. S

    Should i try to get her back?

    My ex just told me she needs to do her own thing. she says she needs to focus on herself right now and she cant focus on us if she doesnt do so.. But i know thats not the real reason... for the last month ive been really down and depressed, mostly because i lost my job and i know that was...