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  1. S


    Ok guy i need some input on this. So I just starting work at my new job, there's this really hot eastern european chick there. At first she seemed alil cold to approach, she didn't smile and always looked like was nervious around me for whatever reason. So I gradually started talking to her...
  2. S

    Finding girls in Los Angeles

    I'm moving to L.A in march and i was wondering if any one of you guys are from or know about the area. i'm going to be working in el Segundo but i'm look to live somewhere around or close to that vicinity. what are the women like in L.A and what are the club scene like, whats there to do for fun.
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    Going to Russia

    i have never been to russia, but i have had relations with two russian girls that came to america last summer. these girls from russia were mad fun, they love to have a blast. drinking, dancing and having sex. they told me that russian women and more laid back and carefree, than american...
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    Which country has the hottest women

    I'm not much of a traveler but i been with quite a few exotic woman, by far the country with the best girls in my opinion are Brazil. mostly all Brazilians girls are very beautiful nice lip, nice brown skin, i like the dark one with straight hair, nice butt and they very easy to get along with...
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    Zero Hour: I want to lose virginity by the end of high school (June 09)

    i got a idea for you.. why dont you try macking it with some freshman or the nerdy girls at your school.. you take advanced class i bet theres some shy nerdy girls in there that you could game, freshman are easy game, there young and curious about older guys or senior in you case.. try that