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  1. L

    Prom Report. Take A Peek.

    Allow me to lay the backdrop. Prom was last Saturday. I went with a date. This whole year I've had the hunch that she's liked me but I "kept" her away. She would constantly hug me, play around with me in class etc. :up: At prom I had a good time, and she told me she did as well. We...
  2. L

    My Honey...

    Hmmm. You seemed to spend the night how many AFC's spent the night, alone. I know I'm no "pro" but I'd say only tell your "beotch" you have business if you actually have business..Otherwise what's wrong with spending some time with her? Thats just my take on it. Anyways carry on Commando.
  3. L

    Any Coward Can Do This (Part 5): Approaching is easier if you aim high

    Nice. You changed my perspective on approaching. All to often I find myself approaching for the action between the sheets. Your views on gauging a girl on brains isn't all too new, but its refreshing after coming out of the high school forums...Thanks for the breath of fresh air.