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  1. D

    Bulking vs cutting

    Des Moines personal trainer
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    Cutting the fat

    Des Moines personal trainer
  3. D

    Best Multi-Vitamin?

    I agree with Quiksilver..I am not completely in favor of taking vitamins in the form of pills or other forms. I believe that the fresh vegetables and fruits are pack of vitamins. So, it is better to than pills. Yes, it's an exception for those people who are bodybuilding.
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    First reality shock

    My recommendation is to do Rippetoe's starting strength program. Do both workouts A and B, in one week. That's 2 weightlifting gym sessions. In between those sessions, go biking, in 2 days. That's 4 days of good exercise. Eat a clean diet, then have one cheat day.
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    Bulking vs cutting

    Everyone has his own point of view regarding this.If you're obese or already overweight, you should probably cut first. When you're down to a desirable body fat percentage, start bulking.
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    Cutting the fat

    Fat is the very common problem now days,we should control it before it'll getting worse.It is not impossible to reduce fat just we have to determine and b sincere with our goal.